Empty cigarette packs are most often thrown into the trash can. Meanwhile, even from them you can make interesting crafts, including children's toys. The packs for them need to be chosen hard. Be careful not to rip the lid off when you open them.

Doll furniture
The simplest cigarette pack crafts are doll furniture. Two boxes are enough for a sofa, three boxes for a bed or table. If you wish, you can make an armchair, a locker, and much more. To get a sofa for a small doll, you will need:
- 2 cigarette packs;
- PVA glue;
- colored paper.
Remove cellophane and foil. Glue the lids to make 2 bricks. It is better to immediately paste over them with colored paper - for example, velvet or wood-like. You need to paste over from all sides. After the blanks are dry, lay one box flat, put the second at a right angle to the back wall of the first and glue it. The sofa is ready.
If you wish, you can also make the backs by gluing 2 more boxes on the sides. A variety of sofa models are available. It all depends on the size of the doll and how many boxes you have on hand. Even for a small doll, the back can be made higher by gluing another box on top. The sofa will still be stable.
You can paste over the sofa with two types of paper - make the sides under a tree, and the seat and back - velvet.
How many boxes can you make a table?
The simplest option is a doll table made of three cigarette packs. One of them plays the role of a table top, the second - legs, the third - stands. Put the stand horizontally, put the second pack on it on the butt, glue the third pack horizontally on top.
But another design of the table is possible - with a table top and two legs. In this case, lay the future countertop flat, glue the narrow sides of the other two boxes with glue and glue them to the first one. Turning over the structure, you will receive a table.
Of course, you need to smear the narrowest and shortest edges of the brick. Glue them to the same sized sides of the countertop.
Robot made of cigarette packs
For the simplest robot, you will need 4 packs. One pack is the torso. Place the workpiece on the narrow, short side. Glue the head to the body - the second box. It must be put on its side, that is, glued to the first blank with a narrow, but longer side. Try to keep the protrusions symmetrical.
Two more packs - legs. Place them on narrow short sides parallel to each other, with narrow long sides facing you. Glue the torso with the head to them. The wider part should be facing you. You can, of course, make arms out of cigarette packs, but they will turn out to be too thick, so it is better for them to twist cardboard tubes.
If you wish, you can make the robot larger. If there is a whole block of cigarettes, the material consumption can be as follows:
- 4 packs for legs;
- 2 packs for hands;
- 1 pack per head;
- 1 pack on the body.
The boxes for the legs are glued in pairs with narrow short sides. The robot turns out to be quite tall.