Among famous artists, those masters who preferred seascapes and images of ships to all other subjects stand out. If you also like sailing and dream of drawing a ship, you can try painting your first marine painting with watercolors.

It is necessary
- a sheet of watercolor paper,
- paints or watercolor pencils,
- soft eraser,
- brush,
- a glass of water
- breadboard knife.
Step 1
Start the drawing process by working out the composition. Use black watercolor pencils for sketching. Mark out the outlines of the ships and other objects that you want to see in your drawing, draw the main outlines of the details on the ship hulls, pay attention to how the ships in the drawing fit together.
Step 2
Start adding color accents with yellow ocher watercolors - shade with diagonal lines on the sails, then lightly cross-hatch the hull of the ship. Sharpen the outlines of the masts, yards and bowsprit.
Step 3
On the sails, draw folds of fabric fluttering in the wind, and on some of the sails draw stripes and detail the stern. On the masts, outline the color accents with dark red watercolors and shade some elements of the hull with the same watercolors to set them off.
Step 4
On top of the red shades, apply natural green shading, shade the stern and keel. On the ship, draw the deck equipment with thin black lines, add shading to the sails. Finish the sails painted with ocher by painting them brown and adding ocher shading to the coloring.
Step 5
Make the shadows on the ships and their details deeper, and saturate the colors in some places with dark red and brown watercolors. After that, draw the ropes, cables and rigging, depicting it in thin lines, and also outline the lines of the hull planks.
Step 6
Draw chains, anchor, rigging and rings for attaching the sails, shade the shadow that casts the entire boat. If you painted with watercolor pencils, brush off the paint with a damp brush to create the effect of a watercolor painting. Deepen the dark tones, and add white paint to the light ones if necessary.