What Is This Remix (remix)

What Is This Remix (remix)
What Is This Remix (remix)

Some pieces of music can be heard not only in the original arrangement, but also in an unusual format. For example, additional effects and background sounds can be superimposed on the "native" sound track. These "rework" are called remixes and are extremely popular in contemporary music.

Remixing equipment
Remixing equipment

The emergence of remixes

The word "remix" comes from the English remix, which literally means "mixing". In musical culture, a remix is understood as a later version of a composition, created with the help of special programs and equipment for sound processing, by overlaying background sounds, changing the rhythm and tempo of the piece. The first remixes appeared almost by accident: the fact is that with the development of sound recording means in the studios, work was carried out to re-record old musical works in a new quality. Along the way, various sound effects were added to them, unnecessary noises were removed, and so on.

It is customary among specialists to evaluate this or that remix exclusively from the point of view of the technical side of the performance, since it is believed that any product of individual creativity has the right to life.

Ultimately, remixing became, in fact, an independent musical direction. The authors of the remixes set themselves the goal not only to improve the existing composition, but to give it a new meaning. In some cases, the result of remixing became the complete opposite of the original intention of the creator of the composition.

Who does the remixes and why?

The creation of remixes by adding new sounds, working with the tempo and rhythm of the original song, rearranging its parts, interested, first of all, the copyright holders of the original works. The fact is that the new reading allowed to expand the audience of listeners and give a fresh sound to the forgotten hits of the past. In addition, the remixes interested disc jockeys, as they made it possible to give popular music a "club" sound, rhythm and a longer sound, which is quite important for dance floors.

The first remixes appeared in the sixties of the last century in Jamaica. They were compositions from which the vocal component was removed. This genre is called dub.

Previously, the production of remixes was done either by the performers themselves, or by recording studios on their order. Before the ubiquity of computers, professional work with sound was only possible with expensive and sophisticated equipment. Currently, any owner of a personal computer can install the program for creating remixes. Remixing is often a hobby for aspiring DJs looking to showcase their potential to radio stations and nightclubs.
