Remix - from the English "remix" - the creation of an author's track based on the material of an already composed song. The remix uses the vocals of the original, but usually completely sweeps aside the accompaniment. The name of the remix is usually formatted as follows: Original artist - Original title (name of the remix author remix style).

Step 1
Cut the vocals out of the song. For this, special programs are used that can be downloaded, for example, on the website indicated under the article. Insert each vocal track into a separate file, preferably in.waw format or similar, maintaining high sound quality.
Step 2
Draw a diagram of the instrumental accompaniment, think about how to "cut" vocals to create new melodies and rhythms. Make sure that the song evolves from simple to complex: instruments should be added gradually. Be consistent with the style of the remix: reggae, tango, jazz, electro, etc.
Step 3
Make up the parts of all the instruments in the track in turn in this order: drums, bass, rest of the rhythm section, back voices. Lastly, insert the vocals tracks and process them according to your needs.
Step 4
Mix down the track: remove overtones, balance the volume of each track, adjust the frequencies. Add effects in the final stage. Save the file in.mp3 or.waw format depending on the purpose.