How To Crochet A Product

How To Crochet A Product
How To Crochet A Product

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No matter how wonderful the hand-made product is, most craftswomen strive to make it even better. To do this, everyone chooses their own way. Someone makes brushes along the edge of a knitted product, someone sheathes with braid, and someone ties it with a crochet. The latter will look beautiful on any product. Whether it is things knitted with the same crochet, knitting needles, or even fabric. How you can crochet any of them, and let's talk in more detail.

How to crochet a product
How to crochet a product

It is necessary

Hook, thread, scissors


Step 1

The simplest thing is to tie knitting or crocheted products. Take the crochet hook one size smaller than the one you knitted with. For knitted items, hook number 2 is ideal. For a thing made of fabric - hook number 1 or the one that is indicated in the scheme for lace.

Step 2

So, take a crochet hook and knit a row of single crochets along the edge of the garment in each loop of the edge row. Trim the thread when the entire product is tied around the perimeter.

Step 3

Another version of the strapping, the so-called “rachis step. To complete it without turning the work, you need to knit in single crochet from left to right, that is, in the opposite direction. Insert the crochet hook into the edges of the hem, then grab the thread and knit both loops together.

Step 4

Also, the lower edge of the product can be made in the following way: row 1 - double crochet, row 2 - double crochet in each column of the previous row, row 3 - picot of three air loops in the second double crochet of the previous row. Next, knit a picot of three air loops in every fifth column with a crochet of the previous row. To make a picot, three air loops are knitted, the hook is inserted into the first loop of the resulting chain and the pico is completed with a connecting loop.

Step 5

The same pattern can be used to knit a lace edge for a fabric product. It can be a collar, sleeve, handkerchief, decorative napkin and so on and so forth.

Step 6

Knit according to the same pattern as above, only in this case the base of knitting should be a chain of air loops. Calculating the required number of loops is easy. Pre-measure your product along the edge and boldly knit a chain of the same length as the product. Then you just need to sew the finished lace to the fabric thing.

As you can see, there are many tying options. If you wish, you can come up with your own. In any case, this will only make your thing even more original and exclusive.
