With the onset of winter, much in nature changes - animals grow over with warm wool, some individuals hibernate, plants find themselves dormant, shedding their foliage. But with indoor plants in winter there are few changes. However, there are still some peculiarities for this period.

Rules for caring for orchids in the winter
In winter, daylight hours for orchids should remain long (up to 14 hours), so additional lighting will be required. You can get by with ordinary fluorescent lamps.
Comfortable air temperature - 16-18 degrees. Ventilate the orchids regularly, provide fresh air at least once a day, just avoid drafts!
In winter, spraying can damage the flowers, so wait with them. An exception is spraying against pests, but use hot water!
Winter care and type of orchids
Winter care for orchids depends on the type of plant. Orchids can be divided into three groups - some partially reduce their activity, others fall into a dormant period, and others do not even react to the change of season. For example, the popular Phalaenopsis orchid belongs to the latter species - in winter it must be looked after as usual.
Lelias and cauldrons belong to the first group, here it is necessary to reduce the amount of dressings. Watering is also necessary less often.
But the calantes and tunias pass into a dormant period. But they also need attention - stop watering these orchids, the soil should be completely dry.