Adenium obese, somewhat reminiscent of bonsai, is very popular due to its unpretentiousness and abundant flowering.

You can grow your handsome man from seeds from China, which can be ordered by mail. To prevent rot, treat them before sowing with a fungicide (according to the instructions, or you can stand for half an hour in a pink solution of potassium permanganate). Then soak in growth stimulant for another three hours.
In plastic cups with a volume of 50 ml, pre-make drainage holes with a needle. Add vermiculite and chopped coconut fiber (in equal proportions) to the purchased soil for cacti, mix and sprinkle into cups. Bury the seeds a centimeter, one by one in a glass, lightly pour warm water (or use a spray bottle), cover with glass and place in a dark place, near the radiator. When they begin to hatch about seven days after sowing, place them under the lamps so that the seedlings have enough light and grow faster. Ventilate periodically, gradually accustoming to air, and after five days remove the glass.
Every month the adeniums will be taller and thicker. A year later, the glasses will be cramped for them. Transplant them into wide, but shallow pots as their roots tend to grow in breadth. Make the substrate the same as when sowing seeds, just add a handful of horse humus.
What adeniums love
In the spring and summer they drink a lot of water, so you will have to water it often. Evening spraying will be useful. In winter, on the contrary: the leaves will fall off, the plants will go into hibernation at an average temperature of 13 degrees, they need to be watered rarely and carefully so as not to flood (navigate along the trunk when it begins to wrinkle - water sparingly). The period of coming out of hibernation is the time when the buds hatch on the plants. After waiting a couple of weeks after that, water them in small portions.
Tip: Make sure that the plants are not exposed to direct sunlight. During active growth and flowering, feed with mineral fertilizers once a month (for succulents, according to the instructions). Also, once a month, treat with infusion of horse manure (the degree of dilution with water is one in fifteen).