The universe is infinite, and many are of the opinion that man is not the only intelligent creature in it. Some even believe that the disguised aliens already live on Earth and rule over us. And at the same time, the most harmful of them are the so-called reptilians.

Of course, the reptilians, about which many have probably heard, are nothing more than fictions. There is hardly anyone in the Universe who is especially superior to man in development. Well, perhaps purely in terms of technical equipment. And this, as they say, is a matter of technology. But nevertheless, many are sure that aliens have already begun to occupy the earth, disguised as humans. Believing in something is not forbidden to anyone, and therefore we will not reassure anyone. Simply, solely for educational purposes, we will figure out how to recognize a reptilian, and who he is.
The opinion that aliens exist and are nearby originated in the last century. Some Western media began to spread information about the disappearance of people literally "out of the blue." At the same time, it was reported that in the area of these incidents, various unidentified objects were seen in the sky.
Later, some of the missing citizens allegedly returned and even talked about their adventures on alien ships. Of course, none of the “abducted” provided any proof of their words. Nevertheless, rumors spread and even began to acquire all sorts of colorful details. Ultimately, in the public consciousness, there was an idea of some evil reptilians who, by all means, harm humanity. Moreover, all kinds of societies dedicated to the study of UFOs and aliens were even created.
The theory of reptilians promoted by members of these organizations is rather unpretentious and simple. According to conspiracy theorists, the history of the planet did not develop the way it is commonly believed. According to the anti-Masons, once upon a time, a reconnaissance ship of the Anunnaki Reptilians accidentally stumbled upon Earth. Even then, our planet looked like a real oasis in the desert of space. In addition to gorgeous vegetation, there was allegedly a lot of gold on Earth at that time. For its extraction by the reptilians, a slave man was created. Unlike the Anunnaki themselves, people, unfortunately, turned out to be mortal.
In order to secretly rule humanity, reptilians at a higher level of development began to disguise themselves as humans and even created their own secret organization known as the Illuminati Masons. By now, since gold has already run out, representatives of this society, keep under control all the oil reserves of the planet. There are reptilians in the government too. For example, Hillary Clinton is considered by members of anti-Masonic societies to be none other than the Anunnaki.
The answer to the question of how to recognize a reptilian, according to conspiracy theorists, is simple. First of all, the Anunnaki are tall. Their appearance is bright, but at the same time a little artificial and unusual. Signs of a reptilian woman, for example, are thinness, long arms and legs, rather broad shoulders and at the same time narrow hips. These creatures behave aggressively, rudely and arrogantly. In addition, reptilians:
- insensitive to heat;
- can go without water for a long time;
- physically very strong.
In the blood of reptilians, instead of iron atoms, copper atoms are present. Therefore, they have it not only cold, like that of lizards, but also blue. In general, the ancestors of the Anunnaki are not monkeys, but lizards.
According to conspiracy theorists, it is quite difficult to recognize the Annunaki purely by the shape of the body structure. It is much easier to do this by looking reptiles in the eyes. The Anunnaki's pupils are not round, but vertical, like those of poisonous snakes. Since the illumination on Earth is worse than on the home planet of the Reptilians, they are always expanded. And therefore they seem round. However, with sudden flashes of light, for example, during photography, the pupils of reptilians sharply narrow. As a result, their unusual shape becomes noticeable.
This is how the notorious Anunnaki look like. How to recognize a reptilian, the reader, we hope, is now clear. Perhaps all the fantasies described above have a right to exist. Reading modern fairy tales about bogeymen who are to blame for all earthly troubles will probably be interesting to many people. However, it is certainly not worth getting carried away with these stories too much. Otherwise, the case may end in mass psychosis and some kind of modern "witch hunt."