Everyone has indoor flowers in the apartment or in the house, which delight with their beauty. One of these plants is cyclamen. It blooms with beautiful flowers for a long time. And whoever sees this plant at least once will definitely want to have it at home. Usually, cyclamen is bought at a flower shop, and then simply looked after. If the care is correct, then the plant can bloom profusely every year and give pleasure. However, some growers prefer to grow cyclamen by seed. This business, of course, is troublesome, but a true lover of indoor flowers will only enjoy it.

First of all, you need to decide on the choice of a suitable variety. There are large-flowered varieties, there are small-flowered ones, there are fragrant ones, there are no pronounced odor. Next, you need to prepare a suitable soil. And, finally, be patient and follow agricultural techniques when sowing seeds and proper care of seedlings. The best time to plant cyclamen seeds is late January, early February.
It is better to buy the soil in a specialized store. It should be light peat with sand. Fill seedling containers with soil and compact it well. If you read the recommendations for planting seeds on the package with seeds, then it is recommended to cover the seeds with sand or peat. But from my experience I will say that it is better to leave the seeds on the surface and press them a little into the soil. Planting must be watered carefully. To do this, it is enough to irrigate the soil surface with a spray bottle. Then the box must be covered with a dark film to get a greenhouse effect. Periodically, you need to moisten the soil, but the seeds must be kept in the dark. In about a month, or even more, sprouts will appear. Until the first leaf appears, the plant should be watered and kept under a film. The temperature regime is also important. Cyclamens do not tolerate heat, the temperature should not be higher than 20 °.
When the first leaf is formed, the cyclamen nodules can be transplanted into separate cups, carefully sprinkling them with earth. After 4-5 months, the plants are transplanted to a permanent place in pots. It is important when transplanting to ensure that the tuber is above the ground.
Now you need to follow the correct care of the plant. For good growth and flowering of cyclamen, you need to create comfortable conditions for it. First of all - lighting. Cyclamen requires good illumination, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. In addition, a certain temperature regime is required. The optimum temperature for cyclamen is 17-20 °. If it is impossible to maintain such a temperature, then you need to periodically spray the leaves of the plant with settled water.
Cyclamen, like many indoor flowers, has a dormant period. Usually, by the end of spring, the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow. It may happen that the tuber becomes completely naked. This is normal. It is better to remove the pot in a dark place, and it is advisable to water it from the pallet. The main thing is that the soil in the pot does not dry out. When the leaves appear (after 2-3 months), the flower should be transplanted into fresh soil and continued with normal care.
By taking proper care of the cyclamen, you will receive beautiful flowers that will decorate your home.