Cyclamen is an incredibly beautiful flower. It is propagated by dividing the tuber or cyclamen is grown from seeds. Seed reproduction is a rather painstaking and troublesome business, but such plants adapt well to the climate of the apartment.

Seeds are sold in specialized stores, but it should be noted that purchased planting material has poor germination. If you have a mature plant, you can grow the seeds yourself. Choose and pollinate the largest flower: shake the stem on which it grows a couple of times. The bud will quickly fade, a box is formed in which the seeds ripen. Wait for the boll to turn brown and open and collect the cyclamen seeds. They can be sown on seedlings.
The most favorable time for sowing cyclamen seeds is February, ‒ March, but you can plant it at other times, even in autumn. It's just that the flowering time will shift a little. Soak the seeds for a day in a growth stimulator:
- epine;
- a weak solution of manganese;
- aloe juice.
Pour into small containers, for example, yogurt cups, fine expanded clay, then loose earth for cyclamens.
Make a small indentation with a stick, dip 1, 2 seeds there, lightly crush it with earth, pour with settled water, cover with a film, preferably black, and put in a warm place (18-20˚C). Spray the ground with water every 15 days. Mark the sowing date - seedlings will appear in a month and a half. After sprouts appear, transfer them to light and cover from direct sunlight.
If there are several seedlings in the cup, dive them when two real leaves appear. In this case, the set nodule must be completely in the ground. After about six months, transplant the seedlings into pots with a diameter of 6-7 cm, the tubers should be buried only 2/3. When watering cyclamen, make sure that water does not fall on the protruding part of the tuber and leaves. An acceptable option is sump watering.
Since young plants do not rest in summer, feed them every 30-40 days with a complex mineral fertilizer for flowers. The cyclamen grown from seeds will bloom in about a year and a half. With good, proper care, the flower will delight for many years.