Cyclamen is a very popular flower, which is a perennial plant that forms a corm. The main feature of cyclamen is that it is a winter-flowering plant, thus attracting more and more amateur flower growers.

Cyclamen must be placed in a well-lit place. The best place is on the north window sill. Never place the cyclamen on the south or west side, as the plant may die from the heat.
When preparing the soil for sowing seeds, please note that for better development of the root system, it is necessary to add 1/8 of the vermiculite. Before sowing, the soil should be slightly compacted by shaking the pot.
The best time to sow seeds is late December - early January. For higher germination, cyclamen seeds are recommended to be soaked in a light pink solution of potassium permanganate. It is necessary to plant the seeds 2-3 cm between each other, sprinkling with earth only 0.5 cm. Then close the pot with foil and send it to a dark place with a temperature of + 18-20 gr.
After tiny seedlings have appeared, the pot must be ventilated for 10-15 minutes by lifting the film (in no case put the pot in a draft)
When adult seedlings appear, it is necessary to remove the film and put the pot in a bright place. During the first watering, you should be very careful, a strong jet of water can damage the plant. Therefore, it is best to water the seedlings with a spray bottle. After a few days, leaves will appear from the tuber.