You don't have to buy expensive branded clothing to achieve a spectacular look. For the same money, you can get dressed from head to toe in a mid-range store, go to a hairdresser, and buy yourself quality cosmetics. But if you want to save as much as possible, just buy yourself a fashion magazine, see what they are wearing this season, and sew the same things yourself.

Step 1
Beautiful clothes are not necessarily fashionable. First of all, she should sit well on the figure, emphasize its advantages and hide flaws. Take a close look at yourself in the mirror and think about what external virtues nature has endowed you with. Beautiful breasts? Then you can't do without a neckline. Slim waist and slender legs? Opt for tight-fitting trousers or short skirts (however, you shouldn't overdo it with a mini either).
Step 2
If you are unsure about which clothes will suit you best, sit in front of the TV in the middle of the weekend. As a rule, at this time, most of the women's TV channels broadcast show programs with the direct participation of stylists. In each release, a new "victim" appears in the studio. If her appearance is similar to yours, listen carefully to the advice given by professionals to the main character.
Step 3
To be on trend, watch a few fashion shows in your spare time. If you don't have a satellite dish, go online and analyze what is being sold this season. Carefully study the range of online stores and imagine which of the presented models would ideally sit on you.
Step 4
On the global network, you will find many tips for choosing clothes for different types of figures. If you wish, you can even download video instructions for creating a particular model from the Internet.
Step 5
To make the clothes that you will sew for yourself look decent, do not skimp on material. It will still cost less than buying a finished item. Do not be greedy for decorative elements either. Buttons, lace and other decorations should look spectacular, not clumsy.
Step 6
If you have already thought of what you will sew, bought the material and made a pattern, you can safely start creating the thing. Rest assured that you will enjoy wearing handmade clothes.