Who decided that sewing new clothes on dolls is an activity for children, not for adults? Those who say that have simply never done it. After all, sewing on a doll is sometimes more difficult than on a person. The technique, of course, is similar, but sewing doll clothes has its own secrets and differences. In the beginning, you may have to redo something more than once. Do not be afraid of this. In the end, you will be satisfied with your job. Surely you have a lot of questions about the organization of doll sewing. I will reveal some subtleties and share my experience.

It is necessary
A doll, fabric, patterns, sewing supplies, a little imagination
Step 1
Where to begin? Of course, with the selection of patterns. First, you should choose products that are easy to sew - tops, skirts, straight dresses. Dolls may vary in volume. Having found a pattern, make a model, and place a doll in it or sew a sample of coarse calico. It is better to adjust the pattern to your doll at the very beginning than to correct the finished product later.
Which fabric to choose? For miniature doll clothes, it is best to use natural fabrics - linen, wool, cotton, wool. The thinner the fabric, the better. Sewing from such fabric is easy, the seams are thin, the fabric on the sections does not crumble. If the clothes are lined, then it is better to choose natural fabric for it too.
Step 2
To transfer a pattern to fabric, the easiest and cheapest way is to use remnants. It is easy to paint with soap on almost any fabric. It is better to take remnants from simple baby soap, without dyes, as they can leave indelible marks on the fabric later. It is also recommended to use crayons and special pencils and markers that stay on the fabric for a long time. They are suitable for products that take a long time to sew. You can buy them at any craft store.
Step 3
In addition to various sewing attachments, you cannot do without accessories. After all, the doll outfit needs to be thought out to the smallest detail. Something you will find at home - buttons, beads, broken jewelry. All this will come in handy. Pay attention to children's socks - they will make excellent doll jumpers. If you want to make jewelry for your doll, use jewelry accessories: pins, rings, locks, connectors. But you can also find special doll accessories. These are special, very thin zippers, small (from 3 to 6 mm) buttons, miniature sequins with a diameter of 2 mm, decorative ribbons 1.5 mm wide, as well as special hooks for doll clothes.