One of the most humane professions in the world is the profession of a nurse. Nurses not only help the doctor in treating the patient and carry out all his orders, but also take care of patients, encourage and make their stay in the hospital truly warm and homely. But how can you determine the best among the many highly qualified nurses?

Step 1
If you decide on the World Nurses Day (May 12) to arrange a competitive competition for them, then you should approach this matter extremely responsibly and carefully. The choice of the best of the best depends on how well the competition tasks are worked out and the questions are correctly formulated.
The entire competition process usually takes place in 4 stages. The first stage is to test theoretical knowledge. It is better to conduct it directly at the workplace of the participants of the competition.
Step 2
Designate the day for which the contestants will have to prepare their "Business Card". It usually includes your own presentation (a short story about your work), greetings from the jury members, fans and rivals.
Step 3
At the third stage, prepare a "Blitz Tournament" for the participants. Let them, in a shortened time, give as many correct answers to questions from the field of professional knowledge as possible. Questions can be of the following nature: - Phenolphthalein test - what is it? (Answer: test for detergent);
- What kind of bandage should be applied for injuries and injuries to the nose? (Answer: sling-like bandage);
- What are the consequences of transfusion of incompatible blood? (Answer: blood transfusion shock);
- How many hours can sterile materials be stored in a closed box? (Answer: 72 hours).
Step 4
In order for the competition to be more interesting, you will have to be creative in this matter. Choose lines from songs that say at least a little about health, and let the participants in the competition determine the diagnosis of the hero. For example: - “My heart stopped, my heart stopped” (Diagnosis: clinical death);
- “Why are you, dear, looking askance, tilting your head low” (Diagnosis: osteochondrosis);
- "I am ready to kiss the sand on which you walked" (Diagnosis: manic syndrome).
Step 5
Give the nurses a Cooking Contest. Let them answer the following questions: - The roots of which plant are added to the coffee drink? (Answer: chicory);
- The juice of this plant allows you to remove all toxins and toxins from the human body. (Answer: parsley);
- The name of this vegetable is translated from Latin as "head"? (Answer: cabbage).
Step 6
Do not forget about the entertainment contests, as well as the performances of the participants themselves and their support groups.
Step 7
At the end of the competitive program, the jury gives marks (for a "business card" the participants can get a maximum of 5 points, in a "blitz tournament" for each correct answer - one point) and calculates the points of each participant. Whoever has more points wins the competition.