You can make a doll from any candy, if you have patience and all the necessary materials. The process itself can be divided into two stages: making a mold and then decorating it.

Form making
First of all, you should make the shape of the dress, which will need to be decorated with candy flowers. To do this, there should be a small doll, about thirty centimeters, penoplex, corrugated paper, compasses, glue and a stationery knife.
First, you need to cut the shapes from the penoplex and form a skirt out of them so that it has a sloping shape. Simply put, the bottom of the doll should be lined with cut-off styrofoam shapes. These parts need to be glued together with universal instant glue. Leave a hole for the doll itself - it should be pasted over with corrugated paper.
On the underside of the skirt, with which it is in contact with the floor, you need to draw a circle using a compass. This will help to properly cut off excess foam. Then the doll is inserted into the hole that was left for her. Now the doll has a skirt, but it needs some work - decoration.
Shape decoration
In order to decorate the form, you will need corrugated paper, hot melt glue, small candies, a beautiful narrow ribbon, narrow braid, beads and other attributes for decoration and a stationery knife. You need to wrap the made skirt with corrugated paper and glue it with hot melt glue. It can be of different colors, but it is desirable that the color was delicate, for example, soft pastel. The bottom of the skirt, which was in contact with the compass, also needs to be pasted over.
A narrow braid should be glued along the hem of the skirt. Then you should cover the entire skirt with corrugation so that folds of paper are formed, equal in depth. The bottom edge of this doll clothes should be gently pulled out. If you use Italian corrugated paper, it is quite easy to do this, as it is easily stretchable. It can also be used to make a bodice for a doll dress. Moreover, it should be done so that it goes over the skirt, which will allow not to see the joint. Therefore, it is better that the bodice is elongated. The bodice is put on the doll over the skirt and is decorated with braid.
Now you need to work with the sweets. From them you need to make small roses. This will again require corrugated paper. You can make a beautiful flower shape out of it, in the middle of which a candy in a wrapper will be placed. Organza is attached to some of the sweets. With the help of hot glue, all the flowers made must be attached to the doll's dress. The order should be chosen by yourself, a simple fantasy will help with this. Additionally, the outfit is decorated with beads, ribbons and other elements that will give the doll a more sophisticated look. You can also make a tiny umbrella and a nifty hat.