The child's first album is a thing whose value only increases over time. And if you make a children's photo album with your own hands, putting your whole soul into it, after many years it will remind an adult boy or girl of boundless parental love.

An album with pages made of thick cardboard fastened with circular rings is chosen as an ideal basis. Alternatively, you can use a block student notebook and sheets of cardboard punctured by a hole punch.
For decoration, you will need colored paper with different textures, ribbons, stickers, clippings, leaves and flowers, beads, buttons, small toys and any other materials that imagination can only suggest.
For work, you will need scissors, glue, a needle and thread.
It is very important to choose the right photos for the album. Choose only the clearest and brightest shots with good angles, if necessary, you can frame them.
A children's album should have a specific theme. Usually the album is arranged in chronological order with a caption under each photo. In this case, you can start a story with an acquaintance of parents, a wedding, a pregnancy. So that the child can clearly see his size, near the photo, you can capture his palm or foot using a plaster mixture or paints on each page.
The design of the album begins with the main background, it must be in harmony with the colors of the photo. Next, the location of the image of the baby and decorative details is outlined. It is better to mount the photo on a substrate with protruding edges or using corners. After placing the photos on the page, all decorative elements are attached to it. Last but not least, small and fragile parts are attached. It must be remembered that their main task is to emphasize the theme of the photo album, therefore it is important that the decorative elements look harmoniously with the photo and do not overload the page.