The real name of Olesya Malibu is Olesya Kozhevnikova. The girl was born in the city of Korolev, studied at the correspondence department of the Faculty of Economics and worked in a real estate agency. Until recently, Olesya was also a model. At the moment, the girl very often appears on the screens and is one of the most shocking representatives of the modeling business. Glory was brought to her by constant experiments with appearance and scandalous character.

Beginning of experiments
Now the appearance of Olesya Malibu causes a lot of controversy, criticism and admiration. Looking at the pictures of the young model, you can see a pretty and cute blonde girl. However, the image of her idol, Pamela Anderson, so fascinated Olesya that she decided to turn into a kind of foreign diva in the literal sense of the word.
Mom Olesya Malibu fully supports all the actions of her daughter in the field of experiments on her appearance.
Olesya Malibu increased the second breast size right after school. The girl liked the result, but the experiments did not end there. While Olesya stopped at the sixth size of the bust, which does not consider the limit of perfection.
In addition to her breasts, the girl enlarged her lips twice, pumping them out of silicone. Since the age of 18, Olesya Malibu has undergone several surgeries and many plastic surgeries, which have radically transformed the once sweet blonde schoolgirl. Although the model herself considers herself the standard of beauty and sexuality, she considers criticism to be envy.
According to Olesya, she received money for most of her operations from wealthy fans.
Porn Magazine Star
Olesya began to appear in porn magazines even after the first experiments with her appearance. A beautiful blonde with a fourth breast size immediately liked the readers and became popular in narrow circles.
It was not by chance that Olesya took the nickname "Malibu". Her favorite film is the film starring Pamela Anderson - "Rescuers Malibu". It is from the title of the film that the unusual surname Malibu is taken.
Olesya Malibu and "Dom-2"
One of the projects that the shocking Olesya visited was the reality show "Dom-2". Despite the fact that the girl herself considers herself perfect, the male half of the project subjected Olesya's appearance to severe criticism, after which tears appeared in the eyes of the model.
As a result of the lack of a warm welcome, Olesya stayed at Dom-2 for only a day. The girl did not learn any lesson from the events that took place. Her further participation in television programs shocked the presenters, raised the ratings of the programs and glorified Olesya Malibu herself.
Olesya Malibu and "Let's Get Married"
In the program "Let's Get Married" Olesya took part twice. Both attempts to find a satellite were unsuccessful. The first time - the girl was not chosen by the main participant of the program, and in the second visit the selected man simply refused to reciprocate Olesya.
The list of projects that Olesya Malibu attended is not limited to this. The girl was repeatedly invited as the main participant in the show dedicated to plastic surgery, reports are filmed about her and interviews are published. Olesya can be seen in such programs as "Terribly beautiful", "We speak and show", "Cosmetic repair" and many other popular shows.