One of the most famous women of the 20th century, before whose charm and mind many recognized geniuses of the world scale from Fedor Chaliapin to Yves Saint Laurent bowed, Lilya Brik is most often mentioned along with the name of Vladimir Mayakovsky. For many years she was his common-law wife and muse, who inspired the poet to write the most heartfelt and emotional poems about love.

The name of Lily Yuryevna Brik, who died more than forty years ago, still pops up in articles and studies devoted to literature and, in particular, the work of Mayakovsky, films have been made about her, articles and books have been written. One of the main mysteries of a woman who could hardly be called a beauty in the traditional sense of the word was the hypnotic power, to which everyone who communicated with her obeyed. Surprisingly, almost all books and articles had only one source - the memories of Lily Brik herself.
The layman was always interested in the situation in which Lilya, being officially married to Osip Brik, became the common-law wife of Vladimir Mayakovsky, and all three of them continued to live together in one apartment. In fact, the poet provided for the Brik family, he remained its breadwinner even after his death, including Lilya in his will. Many friends of the poet, especially women, believed that the reason for her interest in the poet was only her materialism and practicality. Yes, Lilya Brik herself wrote after the death of her husband that it was Osip who was her only love.
Be that as it may, this woman, who has a practical acumen, a clear mind and an unconventional approach to life, despises conventions and knows how to achieve her goal, became that incentive, that irritant that prevented the poet's genius from being in laziness and bliss. She either brought him closer or pushed the poet away from herself, he was constantly in doubts, tormented and suffered. No matter how cynical it may sound, but it is to this mental anguish that he owes the strength and anguish that sound in his works, especially in love lyrics.
Many of Mayakovsky's poems and poems are dedicated to Lilya Yuryevna Brik, which still amaze modern readers with their expression and power. You can treat this woman in different ways - someone admires her unconditionally, someone considers her to be guilty of the early death of the poet, but no one is indifferent. Sensing this, in his suicide note, the poet asked his descendants not to gossip. Therefore, agreeing with his will, one should only bow his head with admiration and respect for this woman who became the cause of great love and inspired Mayakovsky to create brilliant works.