How To Make A Steamer Out Of Paper

How To Make A Steamer Out Of Paper
How To Make A Steamer Out Of Paper

Table of contents:


The Japanese art of origami is the folding of various figures from paper, among which you can find anything you like: from simple airplanes to real masterpieces that require a lot of time and perseverance. One of the simplest options is the twin-tube steamer, which you can make from a square of paper in a matter of minutes.

How to make a steamer out of paper
How to make a steamer out of paper

It is necessary

square sheet of paper


Step 1

Fold the square diagonally, unfold the sheet back. Fold it again along the second diagonal and unfold it again. As a result, you should have a square with diagonal folds intersecting in the center of the sheet.

Step 2

Fold each of the four corners of the square to the center. The result should also be a square. Iron all the folds well, otherwise the finished shape will look messy.

Step 3

Flip the sheet (the resulting square) over to the other side and fold all the corners to the center again. You should get a square again.

Step 4

Turn the sheet over again with the other side and fold all the corners to the center again (this way you should fold the original square sheet of paper three times, each time turning the resulting square over to the other side).

Step 5

Flip the resulting square upside down. Four corners should be bent to the center, which must be unbent in a special way. Lift one of the corners up, pushing its "flaps" to the sides. This is one of the steamer pipes. Also, unfold another corner of the square, which is opposite the first.

Step 6

Now you need to unbend the other two corners. Lay the shape so that the two resulting pipes are facing forward and backward from you. Move the two remaining opposite corners, which turned out to be on the sides, to the sides, while simultaneously folding the boat in half.
