Fishing For Carp

Fishing For Carp
Fishing For Carp

As soon as the ice comes off the ponds, you can fish for carp. This freshwater fish is very tricky, but you can catch it. And if you know all the subtleties, you will be able to fish even a very large carp with an ordinary fishing rod.

Fishing for carp
Fishing for carp

Fishing tackle for carp

Carp can be caught with different tackle. Professional sportsmen use special rods equipped with reels with strong line, bite alarms, heavy weights, leads and hooks. In this case, the bait, and these are fragrant balls - boilies, are planted with a hair attachment. That is, not on the hook itself, but on a short loop next to it. Such carp fishing is productive, but not everyone uses it. Ordinary fishermen prefer donks or fishing rods with a float more. Donka is a monofilament line with a weight and a hook, attached to a short rod with a reel. You can not use a rod at all, but wind the fishing line on a wooden stick stuck into the edge of the shore of the reservoir. To lure the carp to the bait, they tie feeders at the end of the fishing line. They come in different designs, but the principle is the same - they are filled with bait, which is gradually washed out by water and attracts the fish closer to the hook. The float rod is the most common and easy method of fishing for carp. True, large specimens, 5-10 kg each, are difficult to fish with this tackle, but it is possible. For this, a strong line is taken, preferably braid. There must be a leash made of a thinner line, because carp are cautious and capricious fish. The hook is needed of medium size, here they are guided by what size the fish is planned to be caught. Take whatever float you like, but preferably not very bright if you're fishing in shallow water.

What to catch carp for

Carp is almost omnivorous, it can be caught on dung worm, bread, porridge, boiled potatoes, corn, peas, steamed grain, dough and so on. Professionals catch boilies. These are such balls with different smells and different colors. They can be floating or sinking. Boilies are attached to the fishing line next to the hook, when the carp swallows it, it is frozen, that is, the hook sticks into the upper or lower lip without undercutting. The bite alarm goes off and you just have to pull the fish ashore. Be sure to feed the fish before fishing for carp. If you are fishing with boilies, put a handful of boilies in the bait. The baits are sold ready-made, they only need to be diluted with water, dazzled with balls and thrown into a pond. Be sure to dilute the bait with water only from the lake or river where you are fishing. You can also make the bait yourself. There are many recipes for this, experiment, because carp from one pond can attract a mixture of bran with oil cake, and fish from another pond will love the steamed grain and the scent of mint or vanilla.

When and how to catch carp

Carp begins to be caught in spring, then it bites throughout the summer. In autumn, the biting decreases and stops by winter. During spring spawning, he also does not take, but after its end, the fish begins to eat. Usually carp rests during the day and goes out to feed in the evening. Moreover, he walks in flocks along his "paths", and if these places are found, you can return home with a decent catch. Carp takes the bait well at night. For such fishing, special fireflies are put on the float - tubes with phosphorus. The place is chosen and lured, the tackle is collected. It remains only to throw the bait into the water and wait for a bite. Finally the float swung and began to plunge into the water. The fish must be quickly hooked with a sharp jerk of the rod. It is impossible to pull to the shore immediately, the carp is very strong and will immediately break the line or break the fishing rod. Let him swim for a few laps without loosening the line. The fish will quickly get tired and you can safely drag it to the shore and take it in a landing net. It is very convenient to fish out the fish using a reel on a fishing rod. If the fish pulls from the shore, you can give it a few meters of fishing line so as not to break. To do this, the reel is tuned so that the line unwinds itself under strong tension. Donkoy is caught differently. They stuff the feeder with food, put the bait on the hook, while there may be several hooks. Then they throw the tackle into the place where the fish has already been fed in advance, fix the fishing rod on the shore, attach a bell or signaling device and wait for a bite. Pull out in the same way as described above.
