Comets have always excited people's imaginations. This star with a tail looks strange, appearing from nowhere in the sky. So the inhabitants of the Earth believed that comets portend all sorts of misfortunes for them. Now astronomers warn about the approach of such space guests, but comets from this did not become any less mysterious, nor less beautiful.

Space guest
The word "comet" (among some Slavic peoples turned into "kameta") translated from Greek means "hairy star". That is, it is a star consisting of two parts - a body and a tail, and there can be several tails. Start drawing with a guest from the depths of space with a hard, simple pencil. Put the sheet as you like. To start drawing in stages, place a dot somewhere closer to the center of the sheet.
You can first sketch the direction of the tail, and only then determine the position of the remaining parts. The tail is a curved line of arbitrary shape.
Draw a ball
A comet is usually drawn in the form of a star, but this is not at all necessary. Draw a circle around the point. Many space objects are spherical, so why can't a comet be? A tail extends from the ball or several - diverging curves, one of which may be longer than the others.
On the sketch, it is enough to outline only the contours of the tail.
Draw a comet with paints
Stars are usually visible at night with dark skies. If you are painting with watercolors, fill it first - moisten the sheet with water using a foam sponge, being careful not to go beyond the contours of the comet. You can also fill the sheet with black or dark blue paint with a sponge or a wide soft brush. Let the sheet dry. Draw the comet with white, bluish, yellowish or silver paint.
Shaggy star
Most often, a comet is drawn in the form of a star. In this case, the number of rays can be any, from four. To draw a four-pointed star, draw a cross. It can be either straight or oblique. At each end, draw an arrow, extending each line until it intersects with the one coming from the other corner.
You can also draw a classic five-pointed star. The Christmas card should have a six-pointed star. To make it, first draw a cross, and then draw another line through the intersection point. Draw arrows at the ends in the same way as when drawing a four-pointed star. As for the tail, it is a curved line that begins at a short distance from the body of the comet.
Draw with pastels
If you have velvet paper and pastel crayons, you don't need to paint over the background. Choose a sheet in black or navy blue. Draw a circle or a star - it is best to draw on a dark sheet with a white pencil, but you can immediately draw with a crayon. Paint over the body of the comet. The tail can be drawn with longitudinal or transverse strokes without making a preliminary sketch.