Why Do Anthurium Leaves Turn Yellow

Why Do Anthurium Leaves Turn Yellow
Why Do Anthurium Leaves Turn Yellow

Anthurium is one of the finest exotic flowers. It is also called the "flower of love", "fiery tongue" or "flamingo flower". But whatever unearthly beauty this plant would not possess, it is peculiar to it to be sick. For example, the leaves of anthurium can turn yellow.

Why do anthurium leaves turn yellow
Why do anthurium leaves turn yellow

Causes of yellowing of anthurium leaves

The yellowing of the leaf blades is associated with improper plant care. There are the following reasons for this condition:

- the presence of drafts;

- waterlogging of the soil;

- lack of substrate;

- unsuccessful transplant;

- lack of lighting in winter;

- non-observance of the plant watering regime;

- high chlorine content in water;

- the presence of heavy metal oxide in the soil, etc.

Features of anthurium care

So that the leaf plates do not turn yellow, and the plant does not hurt, the anthurium needs proper care. First of all, attention should be paid to the quality of the water used to water the flower. The water should be kept at room temperature or 2 ° C higher.

For irrigation, you can use soft rainwater or softened tap water.

So that the water does not stagnate, every time after watering the plant, be sure to drain the remaining water from the pan (this will prevent rotting of the root system, yellowing of leaves and other anthurium diseases). In addition, before watering the plant, it is recommended to check the moisture content of the substrate inside. To do this, a wooden stick or skewer with a blunt end is thrust into the soil, then pulled out and checked if the earth has adhered to the stick.

If, after transplanting, the leaves of the plant turn yellow, the flower must be transplanted back into a pot with good drainage. The optimal soil is a mixture of leaf, coniferous and peat soil with sand in a ratio of 2: 2: 2: 1.

In summer, the optimal temperature for a flower is considered to be 20-28 ° C (the minimum allowable temperature at this time of the year is 18 ° C). From September to February, the plant is recommended to be kept at a temperature of 15-17 ° C. In order for the anthurium to bloom as quickly as possible, in January the temperature should be gradually increased to 20-24 ° C, and then reduced to 16 ° C. The room in which the anthurium is grown should be regularly ventilated. But at the same time, in no case should there be drafts.

To prevent the leaves from turning yellow, the anthurium needs to provide a proper light regime. The flower prefers partial shade or diffused light, but only the plant needs to be protected from direct sunlight. It is better to place the anthurium on windows facing east or northwest.

Also, this indoor flower must be fed. In the spring-summer period, top dressing is performed twice or thrice a month, but in winter the soil is enriched with fertilizer no more than 1 time per month. Although you need to be extremely careful with fertilization: an excess of lime and mineral salts has a detrimental effect on the condition of the plant. It is better to fertilize anthurium with azophos (concentration 1 g / l) and potassium humate (250-300 mg / l).
