Spathiphyllum is a symbol of female happiness, so when its leaves begin to turn yellow, the owner may think about the upcoming trouble and grief. But this phenomenon has specific reasons that are not at all related to the future. The flower is ill and urgently needs help.

If the leaves begin to turn yellow, the first step is to think about the conditions for keeping spathiphyllum. Often the flower suffers from improper temperature conditions and insufficient humidity.
These are the two most common causes of yellow spots. The plant tells its owner that it suffers from irregular watering and dry air. But this does not mean that it is required to significantly add the amount of water, this will lead to rotting of the root system and the death of the plant. Increase watering gradually and monitor the condition of the spathiphyllum.
We must not forget about spraying. The flower of female happiness does not tolerate the neighborhood with heating devices. Place a tray of wet pebbles next to the pot, spray the leaves every day, and sometimes take a warm shower. If the spathiphyllum is standing in a draft or in a cold room, it is better to find another place for it.
The leaf turns yellow completely - there are not enough nutrients in the soil. This problem can be solved in two ways: regularly feed the plant or choose a larger pot for it and transplant spathiphyllum. If the veins of the leaf remain green, the flower does not have enough magnesium. At the same time, it stops growing and becomes lethargic.
But the cause of yellow leaves in spathiphyllum can be much more dangerous than improper care. Pests can lead to the death of a plant: thrips and mealybugs, as well as fungal diseases.
To get rid of these uninvited guests, first, insecticide treatment is carried out, then the plant is transplanted into another soil and after 14 days it is fed. Before transplanting, you need to carefully examine the spathiphyllum bush, cut off the affected parts and treat healthy areas with a fungicide.