Why Do Orchid Leaves Turn Yellow At Home

Why Do Orchid Leaves Turn Yellow At Home
Why Do Orchid Leaves Turn Yellow At Home

Although orchids are very whimsical plants, growers almost always manage to get beautiful flowers at home. However, sometimes the leaves of orchids turn yellow, and this can lead to more dire consequences.

Why do orchid leaves turn yellow at home
Why do orchid leaves turn yellow at home

The yellowing of leaves on orchids can be attributed to various factors. It can be both mistakes in caring for this flower, and the impact of pests and diseases of a houseplant.

Among the main mistakes in caring for orchids is the location of a container with flowers on an open windowsill on the south side of a house or apartment. In this case, the plants can get sunburn, which causes yellowness on the leaves. To solve this problem, orchid pots are either shaded with gauze or transferred to windowsills on the east side.

Also, yellowing of leaves on orchids can be caused by improper watering or fertilization. These processes need to be carried out only in the morning with extreme caution.

In addition to natural processes, various pests and diseases can cause yellow leaves.

If the leaves of an orchid turn yellow, then there is a possibility that your plant is sick. First of all, a disease such as leaf spot may appear. At this moment, they first turn yellow, and then become covered with a brown bloom. This disease can be dealt with by treating plants with fungicides, as well as solutions of copper sulfate or Bordeaux liquid. A small piece of soap is added to the copper sulfate. Such treatments are carried out repeatedly. The diseased parts of the leaves are immediately removed. After spraying, the orchids are not watered for one week.

Another dangerous disease is fusarium rot, which is carried by droplets of water when spraying. It is almost impossible to fight this fungus. But it is important to carry out preventive measures to prevent the onset of the disease. First of all, use only clean flower pots when transplanting plants. And also be careful when purchasing a flower in a store. During this illness, the leaves first fade and then turn yellow. A diseased plant must be quarantined in a separate place for up to one month. The affected leaves are removed, orchids are treated with fungicides.


Among pests, yellowing of leaves on orchids can be caused by spider mites or thrips.

A spider mite appears on orchids with the appearance of yellowish specks, which eventually turn into dried out areas. It lives on the underside of the leaves. If mites have just appeared, then they can simply be washed off with water. But with a strong defeat, the leaves are removed entirely. Orchids are treated with preparations based on potassium soap or mineral oil. In case of severe damage by this pest, chemical insecticides are used, for example Fitoverm.

For the control of thrips, the most effective are predatory mites, which can be purchased in specialized stores. You can also use the drugs Actellik and Fufanon. Of the folk methods of dealing with spider mites and thrips on orchids, the most effective is a decoction of cyclamen tubers, but it is quite difficult to prepare it.

Finally, the last reason why orchid leaves turn yellow is the natural aging process. If the leaves have started to turn yellow for this reason, no action is needed. Over time, they dry out and fall off.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to save the plants, especially if the orchids are severely affected by diseases and pests. But as soon as you noticed that yellow leaves appeared on them, it is better to immediately determine the cause of this and begin to carry out all the necessary measures. And then the orchids will delight your eyes with beautiful flowers for a long time.
