Why Do Orchid Leaves Turn Yellow

Why Do Orchid Leaves Turn Yellow
Why Do Orchid Leaves Turn Yellow

Orchid is an original indoor flower plant with a very sensitive root system. With the seeming proper care, the leaves turn yellow from time to time.

Why do orchid leaves turn yellow
Why do orchid leaves turn yellow

Over or under watering can cause yellow leaves in orchids

The simplest explanation for why orchid leaves turn yellow is the dying off of old leaves. In some varieties (Cattleya, Phalaenopsis, Papheopedilum), over time, the lower leaf turns yellow and dries up. In orchids of the Dendrobium Nobile variety, all the leaves from the blooming bulb may turn yellow or even fall off. In these cases, the appearance of yellow leaves is associated with the natural process of their withering away. After the leaf is completely dry, it will fall off and can be removed. It is not necessary to cut off the leaves that are starting to turn yellow in advance.

The next reason why orchid leaves turn yellow is excessive watering. An orchid is a persistent flower, it can withstand both a long absence of moisture and prolonged intensive watering. However, after a few months of such care, the plant will need to be restored.

Signs of yellowness of orchid leaves from excessive watering:

  • the appearance of dark spots on the sheet;
  • leaves lose their elasticity, become loose;
  • all the leaves from above and below begin to turn yellow;
  • the trunk of the plant is covered with black spots;
  • the flower sits loosely in the pot;
  • the roots of the plant turn black or become invisible through the walls of the transparent pot.

If these signs are present, it is necessary to get the plant out of the soil, carefully examine the roots and, depending on their condition, carry out restoration measures.

Orchid leaves turn yellow and from insufficient moisture. The leaves fade, gradually turn yellow and dry out. You can evaluate how moistened the soil is with a wooden stick. It must be carefully placed along the wall of the flowerpot. If after a few minutes the stick becomes wet, it means that the soil is sufficiently moistened, and the leaves turn yellow from excess moisture. Experienced orchid lovers know how to determine the moisture content of the soil by weight - if the pot seems light in the hands, then it's time to water the plant.

In orchids in transparent pots, with the correct watering regime, the roots are greenish-nacreous, and condensation does not accumulate on the walls.

If the soil is dry, the plant needs to be watered. If the leaves continue to turn yellow, you need to free the orchid from the soil, assess the condition of the roots, if necessary, transplant and monitor the watering regime.

Orchid leaves turn yellow and from sunburn

Orchid leaves turn yellow if the plant stands on the south or west side in hot weather. The leaf receives a sunburn, the area of exposure to rays turns yellow over time and gradually dries up, but does not spread further. It is necessary to protect the orchid from direct sunlight.

When the plant does not have enough light, the leaves of the orchid turn yellow at the base, and then die. The junction of the leaf with the stem may be affected. In this case, the diseased leaf must be removed, as well as cut off the top if the stem has turned black. The cut points can be treated with iodine or brilliant green, the tools must be disinfected.

Other reasons why orchid leaves turn yellow

Orchids need potassium and iron. The lack of these elements can be another reason why the leaves of the orchid turn yellow. In this case, you need feeding with iron-containing compounds and potassium. If tap water is used for irrigation, then using peat, the plant will be able to take iron from the water.

The lower leaves of an orchid growing without a substrate may turn yellow from root burn. This means that the amount of salts and fertilizers has significantly exceeded the norm.

Water hardness also causes yellow leaves. Gradually, the soil will become salted, iron will not flow to the plant, the lower leaves, and then all the rest, will begin to turn yellow and fall off. In this case, the soil must be replaced, the leaves must be treated with liquid fertilizers. Distilled water must be diluted with tap water in equal proportions.

Correct and timely care of the orchid guarantees a healthy appearance and excellent flowering.
