How To Care For Indoor Spathiphyllum

How To Care For Indoor Spathiphyllum
How To Care For Indoor Spathiphyllum

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The homeland of spathiphyllum is tropical America, East Asia, as well as the humid forests of Colombia and Brazil. Spathiphyllum is a perennial, stemless plant with a short rhizome, belongs to the family of aroid plants. Spathiphyllum (`` female happiness '') is a flower that pleases not only with its greenery, but also with beautiful white flowers. Such a plant is universally suitable for both home and office cultivation.

How to care for indoor spathiphyllum
How to care for indoor spathiphyllum


Step 1

The flower is unpretentious, but requires constant spraying and abundant watering. For watering, you should use settled or melt water. Loves humidified air. Once every three weeks, it is recommended to feed the spathiphyllum with special mineral fertilizers for aroids.


Step 2

The flower is thermophilic, so it is necessary to ensure the temperature is within 25 degrees. A favorable place for the growth of spathiphyllum is the windows on the south and north side. The flower loves good lighting, but it should be protected from sunlight.


Step 3

The transplant must be carried out very carefully, since the plant is very sensitive to damage to the rhizome. The transplant should be done in the spring. The flower is propagated by division.
