“Televisions and headscarves belong to the so-called screen gear. They are briefly lowered into the river, then raised and collected fish entangled in the screen netting. “Television sets are quadrangular sections of networks with a sinker and a float,“kerchiefs are triangular. “The klondike is most convenient for winter fishing, when it is easier to stretch it into an ice hole. It is not difficult to make a “headscarf for fishing on your own”.

Step 1
Purchase a piece of net cloth of the correct size from a fishing store. The size of the cells should be selected depending on the type of fish you are going to catch.
Step 2
Prepare a reinforcing rod with a diameter of 3-5 mm, for fishing in the course of the river, you may need a rod with a diameter of up to 1 cm. Spread the netting over a large surface. Mark the outermost cells on both sides with electrical tape or rope (take into account the allowances of 2-3 cells for the fastening). Calculate the number of cells in length, mark the average. Set aside a distance equal to the height of the "gusset." Count the cell spacing, the bottom middle cell should be right below the top one. Take a sharp pair of scissors and cut at the corner of the edge of the scarf from the top to the edge meshes on both sides. Each subsequent row should be two cells larger than the previous one, one on each side. You should have a triangular canvas with the same sides.
Step 3
Apply deep notches to the ends of the reinforcing bar with a chisel at a distance of 2 cm (5-6 pcs.). Pass a strong nylon thread through all the cells of the bottom edge of the set. Fasten this thread on the side notches of the reinforcement with reliable knots so that a slight slack of 4-6 cm of the net edge is formed. The thread must run parallel to the reinforcement without twisting.
Step 4
Divide the length of the bottom edge of the mesh canvas into four equal pieces, mark the boxes. Attach the nylon thread in these cells to the reinforcing bar, respectively.
Step 5
Pass a vein (thick fishing line or nylon rope) upwards into the cells of one side of the kerchief. Next, pass the same vein down the other side. Attach the vein to the rebar at the bottom edge on both sides. The vein must go up and down through each mesh of the web. At the top of the “kerchief”, it is necessary to leave 8-10 cm veins to create an attachment loop. By pulling and stretching the mesh on the side veins of the gusset, you should get its required height (0.85 of the total height of the mesh). This provides a little slack in the sides to help the fish get tangled up in the tackle.
Step 6
Tighten the upper tab of the gusset plate with a simple knot.