How To Lure Fish To You

How To Lure Fish To You
How To Lure Fish To You

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Fishing luck depends not only on the weather, rigging and the mood of Lady Luck. The foundation for good fishing and good catch is often laid long before the tackle is thrown into the water. An experienced specialist achieves active biting of fish by baiting and baiting of the selected place, as well as in other ways.

How to lure fish to you
How to lure fish to you

It is necessary

  • - bait,
  • - baits,
  • - porridge made from barley, millet, semolina, peas.


Step 1

Before fishing at home, cook porridge from peas and semolina. Pour semolina into half-boiled peas until thick, add a little sugar. Separately boil pearl barley porridge, you can use millet, add flour to thicken, do not be afraid to experiment with these ingredients. On the pond, find a convenient place where you can get clay or soil, mixing porridge with which prepared in advance, stick balls the size of a tennis ball or a little larger … Throw them in the place where you will cast your fishing rods, or upstream if you are on the river. Do not throw away all the bait at once, it may become necessary to change the place, and you should not overfeed the fish.

Step 2

If you are going to catch a single, non-predatory large fish on a small river, try to accustom it to certain food. A little upstream from your parking area, find a tree with branches above the water, tie a dead fish to one of them, soon larvae of flies will appear on it, which will fall into the water, the fish will quickly get used to it. In this case, feel free to use maggots or similar larvae as bait.

Step 3

To stir the pike when it does not want to bite, your bait is not enough, repeatedly throw the spinning rod and run the lightest spoon along the surface of the water near the place where it supposedly lurked. Many predators in irritation rush at the troublemaker, even if they are not hungry. Also, using a long spinning rod and from a short distance, sweep a light spoon-spoon along the surface of the water, imitating a fleeing bleak. Pike perch, pike, asp and perch will not resist the temptation to rush into the attack.

Step 4

A large predatory fish usually hides in dense grass, under a karazhnik in pools. To make her grab the live bait more greedily, after casting, twitch the spinning rod as if the victim is trying to free himself from the hook. Very often, predators stand near the washed-out shore. An experienced fisherman casts the bait above such a place upstream, slowly, almost along the bottom, brings it to the middle of the pit near the ravine, then sharply increases the speed of the drive, directing the movement upward. The hunting fish immediately rushes in pursuit, preventing the prey from escaping.
