It is not necessary to spend hours in the salon with long hair. You can change your look much faster and easier with modern hairpieces. They are made in such a way that it will not be difficult to fix them even on your own.

It is necessary
hair crab, chignon, chignon clips
Step 1
Hairpieces come in different types and shades, but almost all of them have the same fastening system - either ribbons or invisible clips. In order to beautifully fasten the chignon, you should be guided not so much in how exactly to fasten the artificial strands, but in where they should be located.
Step 2
One of the most common types of hairpieces is a ribbon tail. Slip it over your ponytail and secure with tapes and clips at the desired level. Get yourself a low, medium, or high ponytail. Alternatively, you can use this type of chignon in braids or style your hair in a variety of hairstyles.
Step 3
The tail can be attached in the form of a crab hair clip. Create the appearance of high-cut hair by hooking the hairpiece onto the crab at the desired level. Use a hairpiece if you don't have thick enough hair, no volume at the back of your head, and short hair in the back. Pin the patch under your hair at the crown of your head with two clips so you don't have to scratch your head.
Step 4
The babette chignon is just as easy to attach to the clips. Styling your hair in this way is difficult, and with the help of a special chignon, you will instantly get a stylish hairstyle. You can purchase a short or long babette depending on your own hair length.
Step 5
The false braid is secured with clips. You can leave it as it is, you can tuck it around your head. The hairpiece can be braided, then take strands of your hair and braid the desired look.
Step 6
If you need to add volume to your hair, go for a ribbon chignon. Secure it with ear-to-ear clips and your hair will appear thicker.
Step 7
Finally, you can purchase a bang chignon. Like the vast majority of previous models, attach faux bangs with discreet clips.