Perhaps everyone knows how to draw ordinary pictures. Recently, 3d drawings have gained great popularity. Novice artists can be invited to draw a 3d drawing on paper - a three-dimensional star.

Step 1
To make a 3d drawing of a star on paper, a pencil of one color is enough. The picture will work best if you draw it with a simple soft pencil.
Step 2
Most likely, you already know how to draw an ordinary five-pointed star with one stroke. This is where you start your 3d drawing. On the left side of the sheet, draw a straight horizontal line without tearing off the pencil, then, drawing a line, fold to the lower left corner of the sheet at an angle of about 30 degrees, then - up to the right, down to the right. Finish the drawing by connecting the lines to the starting point. To make it easier to draw a star, you can draw a circle with a compass and mark five points on it at an equal distance from each other. They will be the tops of the future 3d star.

Step 3
Erase the inner lines with an eraser so that the inside of the shape is empty. Find the center of the shape and put a point there. If you inscribed a star in a circle using a compass, then it is the place of its installation that will be the middle of the 3d drawing.

Step 4
To draw a 3d drawing on star-shaped paper, draw straight lines from each corner of the shape to the center. They should be drawn not only from the tops of the star, but also from the inner corners, as shown in the picture.

Step 5
If you have a star on a piece of paper, divided into ten equal triangles, then you did everything right. Now shade in each right triangle with a pencil.

Step 6
Take a look at your 3d drawing on paper. Now it seems that the star that you were able to draw thanks to this step-by-step instruction has become voluminous.