How To Crochet

How To Crochet
How To Crochet

Knitting is one of the most ancient occupations. If now it has turned into a hobby, then once knitting was the only possible option for creating clothes from scrap materials. Crocheting is much more convenient than knitting. In addition, crochet patterns are very diverse and original.


How to prepare for knitting

There are several rules that will allow the knitter to do their business with more comfort:

• Do not knit lying down, straining your back muscles. It is best to do this while sitting in a comfortable chair with a flat back and no armrests.

• You need to sit down so that the light falls on the left. In no case should you do what you love in a dark room. Don't spoil your eyes.

• The ball must be kept in a box or special basket to prevent it from rolling away. If several multi-colored threads are used during knitting, then each ball will need its own basket so that you do not have to unravel the threads later.

Combination of crochet hooks and threads

You can take any thread for knitting. Naturally, for openwork napkins, it is better to use thin cotton threads, for warm socks, a strong woolen thread, and a fashionable scarf will turn out from ribbon yarn. It is only important to choose the right hook. There is one useful rule: the thickness of the hook at its thinnest part must match the thickness of the thread. If they do not fit together, then the knitting will turn out to be either loose or unnecessarily tight.

Crochet types

More often knit with flat knitting, knitting rows back and forth. In this case, the product has a front and seamy sides. With circular knitting, the product has no seams and is knitted in a circle. In addition, crochet can be subdivided into plain, Tunisian, forked, Irish and freeform. For Tunisian, a special long hook is used. For the fork, in addition to the hook, you need a special bracket, or fork. In Irish knitting and freeform crochet, separate motifs are knitted, for which they use not only a hook, but also sewing needles.

Types of loops and posts

When knitting, the hook is taken in the right hand like an ordinary ballpoint pen or pencil, that is, placing it on the middle finger and holding it with the index and thumb. At the same time, the thread is held in the same way in the left hand, forming a free loop. Through it, a thread is crocheted and a new loop is obtained. There are several types of loops in total.

The main one, of course, is the air loop. Almost all knitters start with it. Although you can dial the initial row with columns and half-columns, bypassing the set with air loops. With this method, the edge is more elastic and looks very original. In addition to the chain loop, half-columns, connecting columns, single crochets, columns with different numbers of crochets, unfinished and interconnected columns, Tunisian front and back columns, twisted column (for freeform and Irish knitting), lush column, convex and concave columns are used, picot.

Both a skilled and experienced craftswoman and a novice needlewoman can combine various types of loops. The main thing is to be attentive, diligent and interested in the result.
