Mel Gibson's Wife: Photo

Mel Gibson's Wife: Photo
Mel Gibson's Wife: Photo

Hollywood star, famous Australian and American actor Mel Gibson was officially married once. However, his 9 children were born into relationships with different women. After parting with his wife, the actor tried several times to improve his personal life. Perhaps he will succeed in alliance with his last beloved, especially since the couple is already raising a common son.

Mel Gibson's wife: photo
Mel Gibson's wife: photo

Mel Gibson's Official Wife - Robin Moore

Mel Gibson married Robin Moore in 1980 at the age of 18. To meet his future wife, he had to resort to the services of a marriage agency. When he met the girl, he immediately liked it. Mel was brought up in strict Catholic traditions, so he immediately proposed to Robin Moore. A year later, the couple had their first child.


The couple lived together until 2006. 7 children appeared in this union. After the birth of their youngest son in 2000, Gibson and Robin Moore's relationship deteriorated sharply. Disorders began in the family. The reason for these changes is called the frequent absence of Gibson at home in connection with the filming of films. Almost all the time the famous actor and director was absorbed in work, he almost did not pay attention to his wife and children. In addition, according to the statements of his wife, Mel Gibson repeatedly cheated on her.

Therefore, since 2006, the couple decided to live separately. Three years later, the situation has not changed for the better, and in 2009, Robin Moore was forced to file for divorce. By that time, Gibson had already begun a new romance with the singer and model of Russian origin, Oksana Grigorieva.


The divorce proceedings lasted for several years, officially the union of Mel Gibson and Robin Moore was terminated on December 26, 2011. As a result of the trial, Gibson was ordered to pay his ex-wife half of his fortune. In addition, all future income of the famous actor will also be divided in half with Robin Moore.

Mel Gibson's relationship with model Oksana Grigorieva

Oksana Grigorieva is a Russian singer, pianist and songwriter who emigrated to the United States. Oksana successfully developed her career abroad mainly as a model. The period of her acquaintance with Mel Gibson fell on his divorce proceedings with his first wife. Perhaps this affected the fragility and scandalousness of their relationship.


For the first time, Mel Gibson officially appeared with Oksana Grigorieva in public on April 29, 2009. And in 2010, the couple had a girl who was named Lucia. However, the child did not seal this union, a year later Lucia became the cause of fierce legal proceedings between her parents. The couple's relationship collapsed.

Between Mel Gibson and Oksana Grigorieva, disagreements began over who should raise their daughter. As a result, the court ordered Gibson to pay Grigorieva $ 60 thousand in alimony and pay for the house where she lives with the child. Oksana also filed a lawsuit against Mel for her cruel treatment. Currently, Gibson has won the right to regularly see and pick up his daughter.

Mel Gibson's relationship with Rosalind Ross

Rosalind Ross is a former acrobat rider and young writer. At the age of 19, she received a vaulting medal at the World Equestrian Games, but soon left equestrianism for the film industry, she was interested in screenwriting.

It is known that in 2011 Rosalind graduated from the Faculty of Writing & Literature at the private university Emerson College in Boston. During her short career, the girl managed to write several scripts for films.


Mel Gibson and Rosalind Ross met in 2014. This happened in the office of Mel's production company, where the girl came for an interview. The couple was first spotted together in early August 2014 on vacation in Costa Rica. After Costa Rica, the couple continued their romantic holidays in the Panama Islands.

At the end of the vacation, Mel Gibson returned to work in Sydney on the filming of his next film. However, it soon became known that Rosalind flew to Australia to help Mel. The girl not only brightened up the director's working days, but also helped him on the set.

On January 20, 2017, Rosalind Ross gave birth to another son to Gibson. The boy was named Lars Gerard, he became the ninth child of the famous actor. As far as is known, the couple's relationship is developing harmoniously, and the big age difference at 35 years old does not bother Gibson or Ross at all. It is possible that the girl will soon become the official wife of her star lover.
