Zhigunov's Wife: Photo

Zhigunov's Wife: Photo
Zhigunov's Wife: Photo

Sergey Zhigunov is a famous Russian actor and producer. He starred in more than 40 films, but gained the greatest popularity after showing the films "Midshipmen, forward!", "Hearts of three", "Vivat, midshipmen!" and the television series My Fair Nanny, which also changed his personal life.

He took his wife by storm

Sergey Zhigunov has always been popular with female representatives. And he, like all young people, was flattered. Until he met Vera Novikova his future second half. The fateful meeting between Novikova and Zhigunov took place during the filming of the film "Chance", which took place in Kaluga. The chosen one of the young actor was also related to theatrical art. A graduate of the Boris Shchukin Theater School, she played on the big stage of the Vakhtangov Theater. By that time she was married and had a daughter, Nastya. Sergei Zhigunov, painfully experiencing expulsion from the Shchukin school, fell in love with Vera at first sight. It was not a hindrance for him that his beloved turned out to be five years older than him. Sergei decided not to retreat and take the "fortress" by persistent courtship. By that time, Vera's relationship with her husband began to deteriorate, and Zhigunov largely "contributed" to their final break.


The enamored actor was persistent. But at first Vera did not take the young artist seriously, considering his feelings and emotions to be just a “shooting” novel, which was supposed to end after the words: “Stop! Removed. Then she could not even imagine her fan in the role of husband and father. But Sergei continued to look after the lady of the heart. He read poetry to his beloved, sang songs with a guitar and was very serious about it. For the sake of Vera, he was ready to pick flowers from the surrounding flower beds in order to please his beloved with a beautiful bouquet in the morning. Even then, the young ambitious actor looked confidently into the future and knew that he would definitely become Vera's husband and achieve heights in the professional field, be famous and famous.

After two years of active "assault" Zhigunov's chosen one, finally, answered him the long-awaited "yes". Sergei immediately began to treat Vera's daughter Nastya as if she were his own. The girl soon, even before the wedding, began to call Zhigunov dad. Having registered an official marriage with Vera in 1986, Sergei officially adopted Nastya and became a loving and caring father for her. And then the Zhigunovs had a daughter, Maria. The actor never made a difference between his daughters and treated them the same, with love.

The first time after the wedding, until Sergei and Vera had the opportunity to purchase their own housing, the newlyweds lived with Vera's parents. For more than twenty years, the Zhigunovs were a happy couple. But one day Zhigunov fell in love without memory. Vera and Sergei divorced.

Gray hair - in the beard, the demon - in the rib?

It is possible that Vera Novikova and Sergei Zhigunov would have lived without problems if the spouse had not turned from an actor to a film producer. Adored from childhood the novels of Alexander Dumas, Zhigunov first made the film "Queen Margot", then - "The Countess de Monsoreau." Then there were - "The Princess on the Beans", "Undressed", "What the Dead Man Said." The second wave of popularity "covered" the actor and famous producer during the filming and release of the long-running sitcom "My Fair Nanny". This series gave a start in the life of the then unknown actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, with whom Zhigunov began a love affair. The love that Zavorotnyuk and Zhigunov portrayed in the frame grew into passion, which did not go unnoticed.


The press started talking about the office romance. Vera, who had gone headlong into the family, was also reported about him, and the journalists literally began to pester her with calls with incorrect and unpleasant questions for her. Sergey and Vera did not sort things out. She, as a wise wife, gave him the opportunity to be happy. In 2007, the couple filed for a divorce. Never once did Vera say anything bad about her unfaithful spouse.

And the "midshipman" tried to arrange his happiness with Zavorotnyuk and was ready to throw the whole world at her feet. Thanks to Zhigunov, Anastasia turned from a serial "nanny" into something more. She got the leading roles in the films "Code of the Apocalypse" and "Shakespeare never dreamed of", switched to Channel One. And then Zavorotnyuk fell in love with her partner in "Dancing on Ice" Pavel Chernyshov. However, acquaintances said that in the Zhigunov-Zavorotnyuk pair, cold calculation was visible from her side and with an unarmed gaze. Blinded by love, the "midshipman" did not seem to notice this. His eyes opened later. And after two years of civil marriage, their union broke up.

Faith gave the unfaithful spouse a second chance

Sergei Zhigunov long experienced the current situation with Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, for the sake of which he left his loving wife. And then, oddly enough, his Vera came to his aid. The unfaithful spouse repented of his deed, and Vera understood and forgave, giving Zhigunov a second chance, which the artist was quick to take advantage of.

Immediately after breaking up with Zavorotnyuk, Sergei Zhigunov proposed to his wife Vera, and they got married again. They have been together again for almost nine years. For the actor, his uncomplicated love with Anastasia became a good lesson.
