How To Become A Star

How To Become A Star
How To Become A Star

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At the present time, gaining fame is not particularly difficult. To become a star, it is enough to prove yourself in a certain area and declare yourself to as many people as possible.

How to become a star
How to become a star


Step 1

Determine what you do best at. Perhaps you have a unique voice and are good at singing or composing verse rhymes one after the other. Maybe you have a good sense of humor and are very popular with your friends. By identifying your strengths, you can quickly reach your cherished goal.

Step 2

Develop your talents. To learn to sing or play an instrument professionally, you will most likely need to attend a music school or other educational institution. The same applies to aspiring actors: without a diploma in acting or theater specialization, you are unlikely to be taken into the cinema. Be sure to let your teachers know what your plans are so that they can help you learn the ins and outs of a particular art form.

Step 3

Watch your appearance. Stars are well-known personalities who often appear on the covers of newspapers and magazines, write articles about them and make TV reports. You need to take care of your skin, teeth, hair, and exercise to keep yourself in good shape. Be sure to follow the fashion and dress in such a way as to look dignified against the background of those around you.

Step 4

Start small. Not always a novice star is noticed by eminent producers or television representatives. At first, you can perform for free: give theatrical performances and perform on stage at your educational institution, put on memorable shows at various city events, etc. The Internet provides excellent opportunities today: you can shoot a video of your performance and post it on YouTube or another similar service, so that you will be noticed by millions of people around the world.

Step 5

Remember ethics. If you are lucky enough to become famous, you don't have to turn your nose up and put yourself above the rest. Try to behave moderately, be sympathetic and benevolent, then fans will never turn away from you, and various publications will present you only in a positive light.
