Several things are important for video conferencing. You need to properly configure the equipment. It is also important to organize everything well, making sure that everyone else in the conference is okay with sound and video.

Step 1
Start preparing for a serious video conference no later than 24 hours in advance. Check the hardware, is everything working? To do this, make a test video call. You should not postpone testing the equipment until the evening; it is best to do it in the morning. If you suddenly discover problems, then within a day you will be able to cope with them: contact the technicians and instruct them to solve the problem.
Step 2
Prepare your meeting room. Install the camera so that no direct light shines on it. Check the image quality. It is best to hold a conference under artificial lighting, as the intensity of daylight entering the windows is highly dependent on the weather. By turning on the lights, you can set up the camera to just turn it on the next day without worrying about it.
Step 3
Plug in a microphone and make sure there is sound and good enough sound. You may need to adjust the microphone EQ to reduce hiss or whistles. Do it in advance, do not postpone it until the day of the conference. Make sure everything works. Adjust the microphone volume so that you can speak calmly without raising your voices and everyone can hear you perfectly.
Step 4
Be sure to invite a technician to a video conference just in case. If, nevertheless, something fails (after all, anything can happen), he will help to quickly fix the problem. The most common cause of disruptions and problems in video conferencing is precisely all sorts of technical problems.
Step 5
Recheck all equipment a few minutes before the start of the conference. Participants may need to be called in advance to make sure they are doing well, too.
Step 6
Respect videoconferencing etiquette. First, introduce all the participants. If the conference is multi-threaded, appoint a chairperson in each group to give the floor to the presenters, controlling the process so that everyone does not try to speak at the same time.
Step 7
Remember that you, as the conference presenter, are in the spotlight. There are no people around you in the meeting room, but there is a camera, so watch your behavior and gestures. If you want to turn off the sound to reduce noise, alert other parties. If there is any problem with the connection, keep calm and smile. Don't be nervous.