One of the most widespread poker games is Texas Hold'em. The peculiarity of hold'em is that the player has a pocket pair of cards and five common cards. In Texas Hold'em, players do not play with the dealer, but compete with each other. In order for the game to be enjoyable, basic knowledge of the rules and combinations will not interfere.

Texas Hold'em Poker Rules
To start the game, you need at least two participants. Each player must have with him the minimum amount required to enter the game (buy-in), the cards are dealt by the dealer. The deck consists of 52 cards. Before the distribution, the dealer reminds the participants of the game to place the obligatory bets - the blinds. The obligation to place a bet falls on the first two players to the left of the dealer and passes to the next participants in a circle after each distribution. The size of the blinds is agreed by the players in advance.
During the deal, each participant receives two cards in his hand. The player must look at his cards and make a decision: to play further or refuse (fold). Further participation is confirmed by a bet equal to the amount of the small blind. When all players have confirmed their participation in the distribution by making a bet, the dealer lays out three cards in the center of the table (flop). Then he offers the players to make a decision, make a bet - "bet", or skip a move - "check". The first word belongs to the player in the small blind. Further clockwise.
After the players have made a decision to "bet" or "check", the dealer adds another card to the flop (the "turn"). Participants decide whether to raise the bank or not. And finally, the dealer puts the last, fifth card ("river"). The bank is taken by the player whose combination of cards is the highest.
How to know if a poker hand has won
The coincidence of a pocket card with the cards lying on the board (board), or the presence of identical cards in the player's hands, constitutes a winning combination. There are several combinations (in ascending order):
1. Pair - a combination of two cards of the same value.
2. Two pairs - for example, two 8s and two 10s.
3. Set - three identical cards.
4. Straight - the presence of five cards in ascending order (for example, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 regardless of the suit)
5. Flush - if there are five suited cards.
6. Full House - Set plus any pair.
7. Four of a kind - a set of four cards.
8. Straight flush - example: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 of the same suit.
9. Royal flush - ten, jack, queen, king, ace of the same suit.