A variety of jewelry made from semi-precious and semi-precious stones makes even the most ardent admirers of jewelry art turn to modern jewelry. One of the most common materials among manufacturers is selenite stone.

The mineral selenite was known to jewelers and stone carvers in ancient times. The Egyptians, thanks to its easily workable structure, made from it not only all kinds of accessories for men and women, but also household items, dishes. Therefore, selenite is also called the "Egyptian stone". Actually, it owes its true name to the Greek goddess Selene, the patroness of the moonlight.
It was believed that a person with amulets and talismans made of selenite becomes the owner of magical talents and is under the auspices of Selena.
Selenite is a special stone. It combines in its structure fibrousness, sometimes transparency, silky sheen, can be of almost all pastel shades. In addition, its softness is successfully used by artisans in the manufacture of jewelry of the most incredible shapes and sizes. It also attracts buyers. Of course, its low price and availability.
One of the features of the mineral is its ease of processing, softness. That is why most often "hanging" jewelry is made of selenite: pendants, earrings, brooches. In more rare cases, it can be inserted into rings of base metal. But it is impossible to find rings made of solid selenite, because they are quite fragile.
It is very important to store selenite products in a separate soft box so that they do not get scratched or cracked.
This stone is very attractive, and its discreet color allows it to be combined with almost any interior. Therefore, caskets, figurines and candlesticks made of it can become a special touch among home accessories.
Snow-white selenite was used in the decoration of the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg. It delights with its discreet splendor (and is much stronger than plaster).
According to legends, selenite has special magical properties associated, of course, with the goddess Selena. It helps to keep reason as cold as the light of the moon, attracts prophetic dreams, fills with harmony and tranquility, balance and responsiveness. It is also believed to be a talisman for travelers who draw spiritual strength from righteous deeds.
If we consider the combination of selenite from the point of view of astrology, it suits all signs of the zodiac, thanks to its delicate brilliance, soft glow and unpretentiousness in terms of emotional characteristics: for each, the stone will become a talisman that activates the missing qualities. Water signs (Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer) are especially close to this mineral.
Selenite combines both with bright individuals, bringing success and will to achieve goals into their lives, and with refined romantic natures, giving them confidence, kindness and special charm. Selenite will also "play along" with people of creative professions, those whose activities are related to art and social relations. In this case, the stone gives the owner an attractiveness, makes others relax and believe.
By its nature, selenite is combined with monochromatic stones, without excessive shine: with charoite, onyx, opal. A cat's eye is also great. Selenite will discord with completely transparent and precious stones.
Outwardly, selenite is suitable for people of the summer-spring color type. The lightest shades are suitable for airy, ephemeral blondes. Brown-haired women should choose stones with a bluish, pinkish tint. And orange selenite is ideal for redheads.
Pink and beige selenite is called the "desert rose". He is considered the talisman of young mothers.
The stone can get lost in a winter wardrobe, but it will look the most advantageous in a light summer ensemble.