Fame, wealth, love of fans, interesting work both in domestic modeling agencies and abroad - all this attracts thousands of girls who dream of becoming models. Many of them see a beauty pageant as a unique chance to finally become visible and stand out. This is what he is. To win it you have to be the best in everything.

It is necessary
- - visits to the library;
- - the Internet;
- - stylist consultations;
- - makeup artist and photographer;
Step 1
Start with local contests. Try participating in a beauty pageant in your city. Winning a small competition will give you confidence. The girl who carries the crown of the winner of at least one local beauty contest on her head will find it easier to overcome the competition in the future.
Step 2
Prepare carefully for the qualifying round. Remember that external beauty is a quality possessed by a huge number of girls in all countries of the world. And only the ability to think outside the box can truly touch the hearts of the audience. Overcome the stereotypical belief that all models think most about their appearance and are only able to think in patterns. Prove that it is not. If you need to make a speech for the qualifying round, prepare very carefully. Avoid clichés.
Step 3
Tune in not only to the fact that you will be selected for participation, but also to win the competition. If you start thinking about it every day and preparing carefully, then it will definitely happen. Believe in yourself is one of the basic conditions.
Step 4
Try to distinguish yourself also externally. Of course, girls of model appearance will come to the competition. And 50% of them will be as irresistible as yourself. So think carefully about your look. You may need to choose some very unusual dress and swimsuit. Check with a clothing designer. A dress made especially for you will be unique. Consider makeup and hair. To do this, flip through fashion magazines, you may come across something unusual.
Step 5
Find a real photo artist and ask him to prepare a portfolio for you. Try to avoid stamps at this stage as well. Decide on the image. To do this, involve an intelligent makeup artist and stylist in your work. It is best to work as a team with people you trust. And whose experience seems valuable to you, and whose artistic vision is talented.
Step 6
Consider your creative presentation. Usually at beauty contests they ask you to prepare some kind of creative act. Sing, read your own poem, dance - it doesn't matter what you do, the main thing is that you do it like a real star. Confidence, energy should come from you and energize other people. If you understand the word "beauty" itself broadly and include in this concept not only external data, but also talent, charm, the ability to hold on and present yourself, you are guaranteed success.