Stromanta is a perennial houseplant, the length of which reaches approximately 80 cm. It is native to the regions of South and Central America. The main feature of the stromant is its long variegated leaves, decorated with pink and white striped stains.

For the successful development of the stromante, it is necessary to provide a warm microclimate. In the summer, the temperature should be + 22-26 degrees. In turn, in winter, it should not be allowed to drop below +18 degrees. The plant categorically does not tolerate temperature extremes and drafts, therefore it cannot be placed near ajar windows and doors.
Stromanta loves bright, diffused light. Remember to protect the plant from direct sunlight by shading. Southwest and south windows are ideal growing areas. In winter, when the daylight hours are short, the plant should be provided with additional artificial lighting. This is necessary so that the leaves do not lose their bright decorative color.
Watering is usually done with soft water at room temperature. From spring to early autumn, the stromant is watered abundantly several times a week. In winter, watering is reduced to 1 time in 6-8 days.
The plant loves high humidity, so you need to spray it often and abundantly. Wipe the leaves regularly with a damp cloth to remove water stains. In the summer, you can put a flowerpot with a flower on a pallet with wet moss or expanded clay.
Young specimens need to be replanted every year, and adults every two years. Make sure that there is a small layer of expanded clay at the bottom of the pot. The planting container itself should be low and wide, since the stromant grows in width. A ready-made mixture for the arrowroot and azalea families or a substrate prepared by yourself is suitable. The ideal soil for stromant is 1 part coarse sand, 1 part peat and 2 parts leafy soil. It is also advisable to add chopped charcoal.