Ficus is a popular houseplant. Caring for it is not difficult, but it requires knowledge of some tricks. So, some people have questions whether it is possible to move the ficus, how often it needs to be watered, what to do if the leaves fall off the ficus.

Ficus is a rather unpretentious plant. In summer, it feels comfortable at a temperature of 25-30 degrees Celsius, in winter - 15-18, which usually corresponds to room temperature at these times of the year. It grows both in the sun and in the shade. But in the summer it is better to protect it from direct sunlight, otherwise it will not last long and get a burn.
This is what the ficus does not like to move. It reacts to this "stress" by dropping leaves. You only need to move the flower to an environment that will be similar to the previous one. It is better to move the ficus in cloudy weather or in the evening.
In summer, the ficus should be watered more often. The flower should not be flooded. It is optimal to water it with warm water, from top to bottom, until water flows from the drainage hole. The need for watering can be determined by sticking your finger in the soil. If the soil is 2-3 centimeters dry and does not stick to your finger, it is better to water the ficus.
Falling leaves is a normal process. Most often this happens in winter, then there is no need to worry. But if the leaves do not grow for a long time, it is worth sounding the alarm. See if your ficus plant is in an unfavorable place or the pot is too small for it. Then it is worth transplanting it.
Young ficuses need frequent transplantation. For a year, the ficus almost completely absorbs all the nutrients that are contained in the earth. For young ficuses, the following land mixture is usually made: leaf earth, sand and peat in equal proportions.
For older ficuses, a denser substrate is required, so turf and humus are added to the mixture. It is better not to replant large ficuses, but to replace the topsoil.