Roses die, because most often distillations from cuttings are put on sale, all the resources of the flower are exhausted. But there are also good specimens, and with proper care, the flower will only delight.

The rose pot should be placed on a window that faces south or southeast, and wait 2-3 weeks. If the plant does not show signs of malaise, then it can be transplanted into a new pot using the transfer method, being careful not to damage the roots and the earthen lump as a whole.
It is imperative to pour drainage on the bottom of the new pot, expanded clay is well suited for these purposes, a layer of expanded clay 1 cm thick will be enough. Choose a new pot 5 cm in height and 3-5 cm in diameter larger than the old one. After transplanting, the plant must be placed in a darkened place for a day, and then rearranged to the north window for another day or two.
You can choose the soil specialized for potted roses or the usual universal soil. After about three weeks, you can carry out the first top dressing, you need to purchase a special fertilizer for roses, for the first top dressing, the recommended dosage should be slightly reduced.
The soil in the pot should be moderately moist, roses like spraying on the underside of the leaf; cool boiled water is suitable for this, to which you can add a few crystals of potassium permanganate. In the cold season, the rose is watered less often, the earthen lump is left in a dried state for 2-3 days. To humidify the air, you can place a bowl of water next to the pot.