Many agricultural firms today offer seeds of the most beautiful New Zealand delphiniums, and many flower growers, especially beginners, have a question about whether they will grow in central Russia?

What are New Zealand delphiniums?
This is a group of hybrid perennial delphinium plants created by breeder Terry Dudswell from New Zealand. They are distinguished from other hybrids by plant vigor, height up to 2….2, 5 m, very large double and semi-double flowers of various colors, the diameter of which reaches 9 cm.

Inflorescences of "New Zealanders" sometimes reach 80 cm.

The cost of bags with such seeds is very high and varies from 50 rubles and more for one seed. Terry Dudswell's delphiniums have been conquering the flower world from America to Europe in recent years. They are grown both in hot climates and in moderately cold regions.
Despite the New Zealand origin, this group of delphiniums has increased winter hardiness under growing conditions in the Moscow region.
Features of growing New Zealand delphiniums
Like other perennial delphinium hybrids, for example, Pacific hybrids, "New Zealanders" require attention. They need lighted, quiet places to grow, good nutritious, unsinkable, unsinkable soils. Watering in a dry summer, top dressing, a reliable garter to the supports, mulching for the winter. They are bred by sowing seeds, dividing the bush. Here are just cuttings for them, it is better not to apply.
The seeds have a short shelf life of 2 years. Before planting, it is better to store them not at room temperature, but in the refrigerator at + 5..6 ° C in a hermetically sealed container or bag.
The cultivation period in one place is up to 5 years. It is better to transplant 3 … 4-year-old plants with rejection of old divisions.

On the bush, it is desirable to leave from 3 to 5 … 6 of the strongest shoots, removing the rest. Young plantings in wet years are prone to fungal diseases, they are often eaten by slugs.
Sowing your collected seeds from hybrids, you can get interesting plants in shape, color. To maintain a clean line of their cultivated hybrids, delphiniums propagate only vegetatively, by dividing the bush.