Taking care of homemade roses is not as difficult as it might seem. If such a plant has just appeared in your apartment and you have never taken care of roses before, this may seem difficult. But after a short time, you will realize that all care activities take less than ten minutes a day.

What to do with a rose you just bought
Do not immediately try to transplant a newly purchased rose into a larger pot. Give her time to get used to the changed environment. If the soil is dry in the pot, water the rose and spray the leaves.
For an unhardened plant, you can make a temporary greenhouse - for this, use a simple plastic bag. A rose under such shelter will not be afraid of a draft or simple cold air, and the conditions resemble those in which she was recently kept. When constructing such a shelter for a plant, make sure that condensation does not accumulate on the inner surface of the film - this way the rose receives very little light. Make a small hole in the film - ventilation will help prevent fungal diseases.
Place the rose in a bright spot. To create a moist environment around, place a cup of water nearby. You can put a decorative pallet on which, for example, shells and pebbles flooded with water are placed. Spray the leaves of the plant periodically.
Caring for roses depending on the season
Indoor rose in the fall can shed its leaves - it's not scary. It is better for her to winter in a cool place. Pruning should not be done. Watering should be gradually reduced from August. In October, a rose in a pot is transferred to a place where the temperature is not higher than ten degrees. In winter, watering is reduced - it will be enough to rarely moisten the soil in the pot so that the earthen lump does not dry out.
Depending on the type of roses and the temperature in which the wintering took place, the dormant period for roses ends in February or March. Bring the flowers into the room, place them in a bright spot, and cut them off. If necessary, you can transplant the rose into a larger pot, sometimes just changing the topsoil.