Features Of Caring For Miniature Ficus

Features Of Caring For Miniature Ficus
Features Of Caring For Miniature Ficus

Table of contents:


A dwarf or miniature ficus is a beautiful decorative deciduous houseplant with small leaves of a solid green color or with a variegated color.

Dwarf ficus in a decorative glass
Dwarf ficus in a decorative glass

It is necessary

Dwarf ficus, pot, sprayer, pallet with expanded clay, drainage, fertilizer for indoor plants, activated carbon, charcoal


Step 1

Create favorable growth conditions for the dwarf ficus. The temperature should be at 16-22 ° C. Ficus prefers high humidity: to do this, spray the leaves of a flower or place a pot of ficus in a tray filled with expanded clay and water; you can also place containers with water next to the flower. Protect the ficus from direct sunlight in spring and summer, in winter, on the contrary, the dwarf ficus needs light - move it to the south window.


Step 2

Watering is an integral part of ficus care. Miniature fikis needs regular watering: in the spring and summer, water every two days, in the fall and winter every five days. Do not overmoisten the soil, this can lead to root rot.

Step 3

Feed the ficus every two months from early March to late September. Use a universal fertilizer for indoor leafy plants as a top dressing. Make the fertilizer solution in a lower concentration than indicated in the instructions.

Step 4

Dwarf ficus is cut at the end of February-March. This allows you to limit its growth, to give a more decorative look. Cut branches root easily in water and soil.

Step 5

Transplant young ficuses every 1-2 years, adult plants can do without transplanting for 3 years. Place drainage in a new pot. The soil for planting should be light and nutritious: mix universal soil for indoor flowers with humus and coarse river sand. You can buy ready-made soil for ficuses. Add activated carbon (1-2 tablets) or charcoal to the soil mixture.

After transplanting, do not feed the dwarf ficus for 2-3 months.

Step 6

Dwarf ficus is suitable for creating florariums or "bottle gardens", as it tolerates confined spaces and high humidity. Ficus can be grown as an ampelous or soil-covering plant. A flexible stem can be wrapped around an intricately curved support.
