Among flower growers there are many who are fond of violets, or, as they are scientifically called, Saintpaulias. But not every florist knows that among these beautiful plants there are absolutely crumbs - miniature violets.

If we talk about violets, several of the largest groups can be distinguished: street violets, indoor and indoor miniature.
The latest violets are known to few people, and all because of their small size. Among many gardeners, there is a misconception that it is extremely difficult to care for them and it is quite problematic to reproduce at home.
However, this is not so, of course it is necessary to take care of these charming flowers, like any others, but there are no special difficulties in leaving and even a novice florist can handle it.
A couple of features to look out for:
1. The size of the rosette of a miniature Saintpaulia is slightly larger than a thimble; the diameter of a bunch, as a rule, is no more than 3-5 cm.
2. These flowers grow best in a group and are much easier to care for.
3. You can grow a miniature Saintpaulia, like a simple one, from a leaf cuttings.
4. Among the colors there are very different - from pale green to dark colors, there are even black varieties.
5. Watering is required a little, but frequent.
6. It is not recommended to use a spray bottle during watering, in order to avoid burns on the leaves.
7. Bright sunlight is undesirable, more diffused light is better.