Currently, many fishing enthusiasts prefer spinning fishing to ultralight. The basic principle in ultralight fishing is "lightness". It is the lightweight rod, reel and lures, and the latter must also be small in size, that make up the main difference between UL fishing and other types of spinning fishing. But the thickness of the fishing line depends more on the size of the expected fish, however, such a parameter as elasticity is still important. Do not forget about the coil friction with fine tuning. Moreover, the correct choice of bait and the use of fishing technique completely depend on its conditions: the parameters of the reservoir and the types of fish. As for the economic component of ultralight fishing, this type of fishing should not be perceived as the leisure of the rich. After all, many types of equipment can be made independently, and the Shimano spinning rod, for example, for $ 50, can be considered quite acceptable in terms of technical equipment.

Lovers of ultralight fishing can be called “fishing elite” in the full sense of the word. After all, this type of fishing is usually not at all new to this type of leisure, but people who are fed up with fishing in those incarnations when it pursues fishing as its goal. In this type of fishing, "ultralight people" do not want to collect a rich catch in order to feed themselves or "recoup" their equipment costs. Often this is more like a gambling type of fishing, when the caught fish is immediately released into the reservoir and the catch has a fairly thoughtful context.
Participants of uttralight fishing value very much their connection with the natural environment, which they consider not as a means of enrichment, but solely as a platform for honing their skills. Everything here resembles more chess than weightlifting, if we take sports topics for philosophical understanding.
General concepts about the ultralight and why it is needed
Ultralight is often referred to as "UL" for abbreviations. It is the "ultralight" or UL type of fishing that belongs to the most refined subculture in the general fishing environment. Here, belonging to it is determined primarily by the bait and spinning. The upper limit of the rod test should not exceed seven to eight grams. However, in addition to weight, the size of the bait is also of great importance, because with such a weight, you can use, for example, a ten-centimeter wobbler, which will not correspond to UL fishing at all. Thus, the epithets "ultra-light" and "ultra-fine" can sufficiently describe the type of fishing in question.

Ultralight can interest an experienced fisherman only in two cases. Firstly, this refers to a situation when conventional gear cannot provide a decent catch (shy fish or too many applicants in a small area of the water area). And, secondly, the reason for joining the ultralight is a certain satiety with the usual results of fishing, when it is the philosophy of this type of leisure, which consists in a "smart" approach, that becomes a priority.
Ultralight fishing technique
Ultralight was originally invented for fishing in shallow waters. In this case, it is the sighting nature of fishing that becomes paramount. After the fisherman establishes a specific fishing spot for himself, he must “fish” it in a few minutes. If you are sure that the bait is ideal for a given type of fish, and within 5-10 minutes there is no result, then you should go to another section of the reservoir. In addition, provided that the fish can still stand in a certain place, you can try to change the speed of the drive by slowing it down.

In order not to frighten off the fish after the first casting, you should attract its attention by throwing the bait close to the place of its supposed location. Wiring must be carried out by manipulating the rod in such a way that the bait regularly changes its depth. There is a method of fishing in areas. It is most relevant when fishing at great depths, when the bait is carried out at a distance close to the bottom. And you always need to rely on your own experience, analysis of fishing conditions and characteristics of the bait, designed for certain types of fish and their habits in a given area.
Lures when fishing with ultralight
With UL fishing, the bait is of paramount importance. In this case, the correct choice of bait is comparable in importance with the skills of the angler. After all, the ability to make a small-sized bait move in water like natural analogs of fish food in nature requires very serious training of the angler. In this case, you need to understand that a small bait does not have to be bought in a company store. The main rule is the correct choice and perfect operation of the bait.

The standard set for spinning fishing is almost completely identical to the ultralight. It includes pinwheel or front-loaded turntables, wobblers, rockers (variable thickness or standard), poppers, flies and jigs. In addition, this includes some types of bait that are outside the scope of the standard set. These include the following:
- fly with a propeller;
- micropopper in the form of a torpedo with a propeller (for example, from Heddon);
- compound vibrators;
- microspinnerbaits;
- wobbler in the form of a beetle and others.
Despite the fact that every fishing enthusiast has his own experience in choosing lures, there are still the most general recommendations for all groups of fishermen, including first of all beginners. It is imperative to put together a collection of turntables, turntables and microjigs. Poppers and wobblers will be indispensable for pike fishing. Moreover, wobblers for pike can not be unambiguously interpreted as ultralight. For trout fishing, spinners, flies and wobblers are ideal, and if you want to catch grayling, which does not always hunt for small fish, flies are more suitable.
It should be borne in mind that for each type of fish and its habitat, there is a unique set of baits, which must always be prudently carried with you.
Equipment for fishing with ultralight
The rod, as indicated above, should have an upper limit of the dough not exceeding eight grams when ultralighting. Typically, for spinners No. 00 and No. 0, rod models with a test of 0.8-3 grams are used, and for wobblers and small jigs, rods with a test of one to five grams are used. The ideal rod size can be considered its length in the range of 1, 6-2, 4 m. A shorter rod is most suitable for streams, and longer options will be especially good for fishing from a boat in places where there is no seaweed.

When choosing a UL rod, the economic aspect is of great importance. So, the leaders in their segments can be considered American and Japanese manufacturers, which offer thematic products in the price range from one hundred to five hundred US dollars. However, a novice angler can take advantage of the advice to purchase a branded spinning rod "Shimano", the cost of which varies in the range of only fifty US dollars. You should be aware that the budget options "pseudo UL", the cost of which lies in the range of 10-20 US dollars, are not suitable for actual fishing lines in this type of fishing and their weight significantly exceeds the declared for this product segment.
The ultralight coil should also be light enough. The main requirement for its parameters is the substantial capacity of its spool. And then everything depends on the available budget, since usually thin fishing lines are used (from “thousand” to “two thousand”), the thickness of which depends on the reservoir and the expected production. It is important to understand that the power of the reel is not very important due to the fact that the entire load voltage will be primarily determined by the strength of the line. And the use of multipliers is justified only for the ultralight in its “heavy” segment, since they will not allow casting such lightweight baits (up to five grams) even if they are perfectly tuned. In addition, ultralight reels should have fine adjustment of the friction clutch (front brake is recommended).
The line for ultralight should usually have a diameter of no more than 0.15 mm. But sometimes thicker lines or cords can be used. Such cases occur when fishing for large and strong fish such as salmon or asp. Of course, provided that there is clean water in the reservoir, free from algae and clogging of the bottom with snags and other irregularities of its surface, you can overpower almost any fish with thin lines. However, you need to really assess your chances in the specific realities of the fishing area. It is important to understand that a soft rod can effectively absorb the jerk of the fish, thereby reducing the line thickness.