The fruits of the mango tree are bright and attractive, which is why they are often depicted in drawings of "tropical paradise". Try to draw this fruit too.

It is necessary
Pencil, eraser, water and watercolor on paper
Step 1
Decide what exactly you will draw. The fact is that unripe mango fruits are bright green, as they ripen, they acquire a bright red color with yellow highlights or stripes. Artists are attracted by the ripening fruit: its skin is not red yet, but not green anymore, which means that the master can use a combination of colors and make tone transitions.
Step 2
Draw an oblong branch with small knots along its entire length. Behind each knot that can be depicted as a large dot, draw a leaf, some of them can be opened, and some can only come out of the bud, which is bright brown in mango. The leaves of the plant are similar to laurel, but they are smaller.
Step 3
Sketch the fruit around the middle of the branch. Draw an oval 5-7 cm if you are working on an A4 sheet. The mango is rarely the right shape, so bevel the sides and nose of the fruit a little.
Step 4
Draw a stalk; as a rule, there is also a small leaf on it. She herself is large and rough.
Step 5
Divide the mango in half, like a peach or apricot. Define a light source in the picture and make a shadow with a light shading, taking into account that the leaves and branches also cast it. Draw circles of highlights. Define the semitones.
Step 6
Get started with watercolors. Soak your paints, find a palette.
Step 7
If you have chosen a ripening fruit for the drawing, then paint with a classic watercolor stretch, starting with a purple (burgundy) color at the tip of the fruit to yellow-green at the stalk. In the center of the fruit, it makes sense to make a yellow jerky hatching when the base coat of paint has dried. You can also apply it with a colored pencil
Step 8
Find the color for the fruit shadows on the palette and add volume to the picture. If you are working in the "wet" technique, then apply color, just touching the sheet with a brush, but if you apply layers, then paint with strokes. Finish the drawing: color in the branch and then the leaves of the mango. Fill the background with color.