Not every artist can draw a human eye realistically. Here it is necessary to take into account many parameters - not only to observe proportions, but also to correctly convey the angle of incidence of light.

Step 1
The first thing to consider when drawing an eye is proportion. Draw vertical lines from the wings of the nose upwards - the inner corners of the eyes will be located at the intersection with them. Use a line to connect the wing of the nose and the extreme point of the eyebrow. The outer corner of the eye will lie on this line. Mark the length of the nose and draw a horizontal line. Where it will cross the lines obtained earlier, and the eye will be located. The distance between the pupils should be equal to the width of the eye itself.
Step 2
When drawing an eye, imagine that you are drawing the simplest geometric shape - a ball. This means that the same laws of light and shadow apply to it as for the ball. This is how you can add volume to the eye. Draw the eyelids with curved horizontal lines. Pay special attention to the lower eyelid. Closer to the outer corner of the eye, its edge is visible, in the inner corner are the lacrimal glands - separate them in the figure with a small triangle.
Step 3
Draw the eyeball itself. It takes up the entire space between the upper and lower eyelids. Close to the corners of the eye, make a darkening - apply shading and blend it. This will show that the eye is bulging.
Step 4
Draw the iris. It takes up almost 3/4 of the eyeball and is rarely of the same color. In addition, despite the fact that it is she who is responsible for the color of the eyes, in fact, the iris is transparent. Draw the pupil on top of it. Consider the light intensity in the picture. If the lighting is bright, then the pupil will be very small, the darker, the larger its size will be.
Step 5
Decide from which side the light falls on the painted face. For convenience, you can put a point of light in the picture. Next, take a long ruler and attach it so that it passes through the pupil. This will give you the correct highlight.
Step 6
Designate the highlight with one or a couple of circles of different sizes. They will be white in the picture. Remember that the iris, as mentioned above, is transparent. Therefore, for the reliability of the picture, it is necessary to put a reflex on it - a reflection of a glare. It will be located on the same line that allowed finding the place for the highlight. The reflex can be indicated by a light arc, twice the size of the highlight itself.
Step 7
Draw the eyelashes. Don't paint all your lashes in the same direction. Draw shorter strokes for the cilia growing towards the inner corner of the eye. So they will turn out to be more fluffy, and the look is languid.