It is not difficult to learn army songs in order to show off your talent in the circle of colleagues and to remember the past. The music in such songs has a similar motive, and hence the playing technique. Therefore, you can learn how to play all army melodies from one or two songs.

Step 1
The most convenient instrument for performing army songs is the six-string guitar. Firstly, mastering playing the guitar at a basic level is not as difficult as with other instruments, and, secondly, it is very convenient to take the guitar on hikes, since, for example, it is much lighter in weight than a piano, and in tuning - easier than a violin. In addition, absolutely any army song can be played on the guitar.
Step 2
Learn to play army combat. This skill will make it much easier for you to learn army songs. This technique of the game is also called the "six" fight, since one cycle contains six movements. It is played like this: two times down the strings, then two times up and once down and up.
Step 3
Another variation of this fight is playing with muffled strings. To do this, replace the second and fifth blow with a "plug" - hitting the strings and simultaneously pressing the hand against them so that the sound does not stretch, but breaks off. Fighting suits songs with dynamic music and lyrics.
Step 4
Learn the punches that suit army songs. For example, to play the simplest bust, it is enough to pull the strings one by one: first the third, then the second, the first and in reverse order and one of the bass strings. This playing technique suits a lyric song. For example, it is good to play the song "Orders are not for sale" with such a search.
Step 5
Combine two playing techniques in one song to add variety to your music. Play the verse in an army song with brute force, and the chorus with a fight. If you play the guitar with your friends, you will definitely notice that the majority will listen to you on the verse, so you can play quietly and lyrically, and the chorus is usually sung by the whole company, which is why the fight is more appropriate here.
Step 6
Buy a collection of army songs with chords from the bookstore. Usually, to play, you need to know the basic triads: Am, C, Dm, Em, G. Also, various songs and chords to them can be found on the Internet at sites specializing in this direction (,