The Safest Plants For A Nursery

The Safest Plants For A Nursery
The Safest Plants For A Nursery

Flowers are a piece of nature that carries goodness and beauty, which is so lacking in the modern world for kids. Among the huge variety of indoor plants, only a small proportion are suitable for growing in children's rooms.

The safest plants for a nursery
The safest plants for a nursery

When choosing plants for a children's room, you should pay attention to such nuances as:

  • non-toxicity,
  • safety of the appearance of plants,
  • unpretentious care,
  • the child's allergy to odors emanating from plants.

Tradescantia. An ampelous plant that is easy to care for at home, which even a child can take care of. Grows best at moderate temperatures.


Possesses medicinal properties. Its leaves are used even for wound healing. Placed both in hanging pots and on window sills. It has leaves of various colors that retain their decorative effect throughout the year.

The plant does not cause trouble if several conditions are met: accurate watering, soil containing sand (for succulents), bright hot sunlight.


Many species are prone to flowering. Such species as Kalanchoe Degremona, Kalanchoe Blossfeld and Kalanchoe pinnate have pronounced healing properties that will always come to the rescue for colds, cuts, burns.

Chlorophytum. A plant desired in any home. Chlorophytum is a flower-filter of air. Like a sponge, it absorbs toxic substances, especially formaldehydes, emitted from modern building materials.


The flower looks beautiful in hanging pots and flower corners, thanks to the lily leaves hanging down. Unpretentious. But due to the rapid growth of roots, it requires rejuvenation and transplants. Its fluffy daughter rosettes are rich breeding material.

A beautiful, useful and medicinal plant. With simple care: a light window, moderate watering, feeding during flowering, cool wintering, spring pruning - it can become a long-liver.


It is possible to place fragrant pelargonium in the nursery, but taking into account the baby's allergic tendencies. This type of ozone and purifies the air in the room, relieves pain in the ear and ear congestion.

A desirable plant in any home. Where myrtle grows, people get sick a little. A beautiful deciduous plant that does not require painstaking care.


Timely watering, pruning or shaping, infrequent transplanting. Indispensable for inhalation for colds, helps with burns. Natural antiseptic and antibiotic. The scent emanating from the leaves soothes the nervous system.

A small shrub with positive characteristics: spicy herbs for cooking, for treatment, to cleanse the air from pathogenic infections, which is important when the baby is prone to colds.


Requires moderate temperatures and watering, special soil with sand and pebbles, loves when the room is well ventilated.

A flower with positive energy is considered a family plant. If you understand the nature of Saintpaulia, then there will be no problems.


Moderate and accurate watering, annual transplanting, protection from drafts in winter, low watering at low temperatures - these are the main conditions for lush and abundant flowering. Possesses medicinal properties. Flowers are used to prepare delicious desserts.

In addition to the listed plants, the following are also suitable for children's corners: balsam, aloe, gipesthes, coleus, nephrolepis, pellea, spathiphyllum and others.

When choosing flower plants for children's corners, take into account the character of the child, his desire to take part in caring for them, as well as the conditions necessary for good growth and flowering.
